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i have a compaq desktop pc. great for surfing the web. school. watching dvds. downloading music or software. has all the drivers installed. good office computer or work from home pc. probably wouldnt play a lot of games on it less u update the vid card. but everything runs great on it here are the specs.


dvd rom

40gb hard drive

768mb of ram

fresh install of windows xp pro sp1

1.2ghz amd athlon processor

3.5 floppy drive

nvidia geforce3 vid card (nothing special)

dialup modem as well as ethernet nic card



1 year of norton internet security

microsoft office 2003

nero 6

full version of winrar

k-lite codec pak


dvd xcopy platinum burning software (this only works with sp1 which is why i have sp1 on it) awesome program but if u would rather have sp2 i will gladly upgrade it


only thing it needs is a dvd burner. those are pretty cheap. if you want me to install one just buy one from new egg or somewhere and ill install it for free.


asking $150 obo

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