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Colbert '08


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Guys, i love colbert just as much as everyone else but I have YET to see him in any sort of serious political debate and as far as Im concerned would make a better comedian than someone holding political office. If he is serious and has an actual platform that doesnt involve simply making fun of everyone else and his extreme political satire then I would consider him. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since he just announced that maybe he hasnt gotten everything together yet, as for now im still going with Ron Paul.
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Definitely would vote for him as long as his views aren't totally crazy. :) But it would be great to get a non-politician in there for a change.


I thought the same thing when Perot ran way back in the day. :( I ended up not even voting that year after he dropped out. I still think he was forced to.

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hes got my vote


he wont win but that would be crazy if he did.


You can't think like that. :) Even people with 1-2% like Ron Paul or Gravel could turn it around with the right combination of events (well maybe not Gravel) -- and I don't think Colbert will have a small percentage like that. I personally think he'll probably have atleast a double-digit following right off the bat just because of who he is and the fact that most people in the country are so sick of partisan crap and dirty politicians that we truly have NOTHING to lose. The country's already on its way to hell in a handbasket...I don't think Colbert could do much more damage than is already done. Just my two cents. :)

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