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I think my diet is not to bad. I hardly ever have fast food. I eat allot of chicken boneless skineless baked.


I really need to get someone to push me harder.


I noticed most of my weightloss progress after I COMPLETELY cut fast food and soda. Some say diet soda is ok, Ive always just stuck to bottles of water. If you want some flavor they sell these little pack's of concentrate flavoring for bottled water, i think its a couple bucks for a box of them and depending on the flavor their not bad, just dont over do it because they are high in sugar of course.


Ive always stuck with lower calories high protein diet. Simple stuff like chicken, turkey, some red meats, hard boiled egg whites, brown rice, corn etc.


Im not a pro, i havent been doing this long so im sure there is someone else out there whos more knowledgable than I am. Im just saying this is what im doing now and it seems to be working for me so far.

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To gain muscle, you actully have to pack in the shit youve gotten away from... satuarted fat, and TONS of calories. The calorie is a unit of potential energy, like a BTU. Doing the right things will turn those calories into usuable energy that can build you long term muscle structure that never goes away. I remember a time when i was about 210 and filled out a Large shirt prety well, but now as 235 240, i fill it a bit too well, and am stronger and FAR more powerfull than i ever was... to get there though, i bumped my daily intake from about 3000 calories, to almost 6000 during the summer and about 4000 during the winter. if i really wanted to, i could fill an XL in about 4 weeks. I found a very oddball combination for pure energy though.. really by accident.


1 "meal" in the morning kept me going all day long, and helped me sleep at night.


1 32oz Gatorade - fruit punch

4 twinkies

1 snickers bar


And thats it. It was enough to let me snow ski for about 8-10hrs w/o feeling tired. The only problem is that you cant stay on it for more than about 3 days... becasue on your forth day, you pretty much crash... in a similar way to the 6th day of a water diet. This is by far not even close to being healthy, so dont take it as that... but it works... i dont know why... but it works.

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Ive been doing a routine lately where it absolutely tears me up, but seems to work really well.


Say for instance say I was doing butterflies, my routine would consist of this:

60lbs X 10 reps (rest or wait for partner to do their reps)


70lbs X 8 reps


80lbs X 6 reps


90lbs X 4 reps



By this time it's becoming a struggle as the added weight and continual reps really get to me. Then I'll work it backwards for a cool down doing:

80 X 6, 70 X 8, and 60 X 10 again.


It gets excruciating sometimes to the point where I can't finish all the reps for whatever set I'm doing. And look like a tool because I'm pussing out with Xlbs at the end, but damnit if my muscles aren't exploding at that point.



That coupled with a pretty good diet have really shown improvements.


It's a drastic change from just doing repitous work outs when after you're done you don't feel like you've really worked out. Doing this will kill you for the next couple hours energy wise, but it works awesome.

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Say for instance say I was doing butterflies, my routine would consist of this:

60lbs X 10 reps (rest or wait for partner to do their reps)


70lbs X 8 reps


80lbs X 6 reps


90lbs X 4 reps


Drop Sets. I did them this morning on bench and yeah that can kick your ass. Ive never done a certain number of reps though, always just gone until failure, then taken weight off and went again, no breaks but whatever works. You can pretty much do this with anything, its great circuit training.


And your right, you look like an ass when your on the bench with two 10lb plates and your struggling, but thats the point i guess.

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Don't worry Thorne. I worked out for a while pretty regulary, doing 30 push ups, then I'd do 20, then 15 if I could.


Then I started traveling/training for work, and doing any work out while living in hotel rooms is rough.


I just got back into working out after gaining 30lbs since Senior year college and starting my job.



I tried doing 20 pushups the other night, I made it to 10 and was whipped.

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Drop Sets. I did them this morning on bench and yeah that can kick your ass. Ive never done a certain number of reps though, always just gone until failure, then taken weight off and went again, no breaks but whatever works. You can pretty much do this with anything, its great circuit training.


And your right, you look like an ass when your on the bench with two 10lb plates and your struggling, but thats the point i guess.


That's what they are called, I found the routine on another forum from advice of another body builder. Yah, definitely feel like a tard when my wife gets done doing 80lbs on the bench and I hop on and struggle with 50 or 60 cause I'm at the end of my routine. Feels good as hell though.

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Man, I'm @ 202 again FUCK!.


dude dont stress out so much, its 3 pounds. That could all be water weight, relax. Look at the big picture you lost, what 80lbs in a year, keep at it and you'll get there.


Sorry not trying to sound like an inspirational poster, just trying to help.

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Remember when working out, you gotta start somewhere. Everyone cant walk into a gym and starting benching 225 right off the go. I wouldnt worry about how much weight you are moving around because when it comes down to it, Heavy is heavy...


speak for yourself......

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dude dont stress out so much, its 3 pounds. That could all be water weight, relax. Look at the big picture you lost, what 80lbs in a year, keep at it and you'll get there.


Sorry not trying to sound like an inspirational poster, just trying to help.




Everyone needs a boost, loosing weights not fun and it is tedious work.

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Try wall crawls.. Get in a push up position with your feet on the wall (about at a 45 degree angle).. then walk yourself backwards so you are almost in a handstand, then walk back out to the pushup position. repeat multiple times. They're fun. ;) Always mix up your workouts, try new things and do major lift that involve all muscles. No iso movements. You've lost a ton of weight which is a great accomplishment, now time to start building strength.


Also, buy a set of rings to workout on. You'll either thank me, or hate me after a workout



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