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Birth control at school for 6-8th graders.


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Here is another reason my kids will NEVER step foot in a public school.




I find it odd in America, you cant give a kid an aspirin, a chiropractic adjustment and so on, without a written note from a parent, but your kid could have birth control and abortions without you knowing. :mad:


This should upset every parent!

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If the parents were not uptight assholes and would let the kids have free access to condoms, the pill etc then the government wouldnt have to come to the rescue. Its a real shame in this day and age that every kid in america does not have a rubber in his/her pocket by the time there 12.
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I think in 20 years this country will be shit.

Because these kids (and other fukin morons) are breeding.


Anyone who is against abortion should bloody well welcome easily available birth control. The only logical foothold that pro-choice has (I don't care whos body it is, you dont get to kill a kid) is: Do you really want someone willing to abort a fetus to HAVE a child? These people are a burden. If you want to stomp out abortion, start with it's cause: Dumb bitches getting pregnant.


Abortion is not a problem, it is a symptom. The problem is iresponcebility. I fuckin approve of birth control and morning after pills being put in vending machines. These people need to stop breeding, because they'll never stop fucking. Making birth control readily and easily accessable is a great idea.


As it is now, irrisponsible idiots are outbreeding the rest of the population at an ever increasing rate, we need to stop that. I blame this trend for a 2-term Bush presidency. :)


"I don't want my kids in that school" is a fuckin retarded statement in this thread. Why? Because bitches are on the pill? The only good reason that you don't want your kids in this shool: If breeding is a problem, then it is a ghetto-ass hillbilly shitty school. Saying that this is what would put you "over the line" and take your kids out shows an outright failure to grasp reality and what is important.


I went to a school where 14 year old were having kids. The conversations they had made me sick, and their presence pissed me off. I dont want my kid in that kind of school. Give them the fucking pill, let them be stupid on their own. You're not going to stop the kids fucking. You're best hope is to offer the pill non-stop for a few generations, and let the people who don't want kids DIE WITHOUT HAVING THEM.


Miller said the plan gives children an adult responsibility they are not ready for,
Predictable, Fox found a DUMB BITCH whos opinion means nothing. It TAKES AWAY responcebility that they arent ready for. What is harder, and effects more people (tax payers, too):

-Umm, should I fuck'm or study?


-What do I do with this baby?


I'm against abortion and I'm utterly dumbfounded that anyone wishing to stop it would be opposed to easy birth control. It's like writing off a cure for cancer because it tastes bad.

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Its a shame kids 12 years old are banging thats the real shame.

Its the shitty schools that kids go to that get kids thinking about sex drugs and alcohol at age 13.

I would never EVER consider putting MY child through a public school in Columbus lol

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Giving the pill to young girls has shown to increase the risk of cancer by elevating hormones too early. I don't want a "nurse practitioner" prescribing my daughter the pill because she goes behind my back. I have every intention of raising a responsible honest child, however peers have way more influence on children these days than parents do, and it’s our culture and has been since the hippies fucked shit up for the next generations to raise kids. I'll take my daughter to a trusted pediatrician and get what my daughter needs when the time is right and that time will be determined by her pediatrician.
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Its the shitty schools that kids go to that get kids thinking about sex drugs and alcohol at age 13.

Wrong. Granted, they don't help, and they promote a condition of escallation. The problem is parents, plain and simple. Parents words mean very little, because their action tell kids what is acceptable.

Show me a 14 year old preggerz girl, and I'll show yo a mother who was preggerz at 16. It's not just a lack of involvement, it's providing poor visual aids. Well, my mom says don't do it, but she did it, so it's OK.


My dad.....who the fuck was my dad? Apparently fuckin'round and getting yours is acceptable behavior for a man. Thems the only guys my skank mama brings home anyhow.


Mix that shit with media glorification and the festering incubator that is a teen social cirlce, and you have kids fucking and breeding at escalating rates.

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Show me a 14 year old preggerz girl, and I'll show yo a mother who was preggerz at 16. It's not just a lack of involvement, it's providing poor visual aids. Well, my mom says don't do it, but she did it, so it's OK.


:lol: yep every Teen Mom that has a child has a mom that was a teen Mom. And evey person of German decent is a Nazi.

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Giving the pill to young girls has shown to increase the risk of cancer by elevating hormones too early.

Absolutely right, and the kids should know this. "Babies, cancer, or abstinance, its your choice"

I don't want a "nurse practitioner" prescribing my daughter the pill because she goes behind my back. I have every intention of raising a responsible honest child, however peers have way more influence on children these days than parents do.
Bullshit, plain and simple. See above post about acceptable behavior patterns. Where is Dr. Jon? If you ever catch yourself blaming peers, you have failed as a parent. Start young, and keep them playing with good kids.

How do you tell who is a good kid at age 3? Its easy, meet the parents. Is mama divorced, does she like to party? Find another lil girl for your daughter to play with. If you daughter comes to be best freinds with a girl that you don't aprove of, have her over to your place waaaay more that your daughter goes to her place, good family'ness has been known to rub off.


and it’s our culture and has been since the hippies fucked shit up for the next generations to raise kids.
BWHAHAHAHA dude, go back in time and get do a census of pot smoking free-love hippes. They all didn't die, man. :lol: You've probably voted for a coke head or two.
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Children used to fear their parents, now parents have no rights.
Bullshit they don't. Secondly, you childern should NEVER be afraid of you, THAT is what causes the problem in the first place: Kids afraid of talking to their folks.

A guy 2 cubes down from me, once a week or so, takes a moment to bitch at soem one over the phone. Good ol ass beatin time, etc. Has 2 teenage daughters, and has 1 grandkid to-date. What happened? In stead of her daughter saying "My boyfriend want to have sex with me, what do I do?", she kept it to herself because she was afraid of her dads reaction to it. Make your kid afraind and they will learn from their peers; at least they listen.


If you raise your kid right, they will be afraid of dissapointing you, not afraid of your wrath.

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Bullshit they don't. Secondly, you childern should NEVER be afraid of you, THAT is what causes the problem int he first place: Kids afraid of talking to their folks.

If you raise your kid right, they will be afraid of dissapointing you, not afraid of your wrath.


That is my point they should be afraid to the concenquences of their actions, they are not. I don't intend to abuse my daughter big guy.

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Absolutely right, and the kids should know this. "Babies, cancer, or abstinance, its your choice"

Bullshit, plain and simple. See above post about acceptable behavior patterns. Where is Dr. Jon? If you ever catch yourself blaming peers, you have failed as a parent. Start young, and keep them playing with good kids.

How do you tell who is a good kid at age 3? Its easy, meet the parents. Is mama divorced, does she like to party? Find another lil girl for your daughter to play with. If you daughter comes to be best freinds with a girl that you don't aprove of, have her over to your place waaaay more that your daughter goes to her place, good family'ness has been known to rub off.


BWHAHAHAHA dude, go back in time and get do a census of pot smoking free-love hippes. They all didn't die, man. :lol: You've probably voted for a coke head or two.


So much is wrong with most of what you just typed....

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I think we should just control birth all together! Make it so you have to get a doctors approval to have children.

That would get rid of a LOT of welfare babies!

It should be.... if you cant prove you can take care of a child, why the fuck should you be allowed to have one? If you cant lay off the drugs, then why should you be allowed to have children?

To ME... having children should be a privilege, NOT a right. With all the corruption of the systems in society, it should just be this way in my opinion.

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That is my point they should be afraid to the concenquences of their actions, they are not. I don't intend to abuse my daughter big guy.

I didn;t say it, you're the one who said "Afraid of their parents", not me. ;)

Yeah you will have the perfect kids because you mandate it.....

No, because I'll work on it.


So much is wrong with most of what you just typed....

Yes yes, so much that you didn't bother to post a single fucking thing that has a point or is of any use to anyone. Don't waste time posting condesending shit if you're not going to back it up.


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I think we should just control birth all together! Make it so you have to get a doctors approval to have children.

That would get rid of a LOT of welfare babies!

It should be.... if you cant prove you can take care of a child, why the fuck should you be allowed to have one? If you cant lay off the drugs, then why should you be allowed to have children?

To ME... having children should be a privilege, NOT a right. With all the corruption of the systems in society, it should just be this way in my opinion.


Oh fuck don't say that, Bill will come in here spouting Big Govenment shit.

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Disclaimer: I dont know your wife or anything about her, nothing i say is in anyway a judgement of you ror your particular situation:

Funny how my parents are divorced and by your thinking I should think divorce is OK. I don't.

You don't have to. Lots of people who don't think divorce is OK end up having to go through them. The rate is at about 50% now, and of those divorces, the majority are initiated by women. If you further narrow the feild to marriages involving kids, that ration explodes, the fast majority of divorces involving kids are initiated by women. Why? Because us papa's have a stronger sense that family is important, and are willing to put up with more. Here's a rea quote that a freind uttered just a week ago: "Well, I found out today that I'm getting divorced."


Also, anyone saying "well my situation is different", keep it to yourselves. This is statistics, they are made of of many situations, focussing on tha majority.


John, what your are talking about is the PRC. ;)

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Guest hotrodmama024

My daughter better not be thinking about having sex in middle school. What happened to teaching your kids morals and being open enough to actually talk to them about it. Or is it people are lazy and dont want to raise there kids the right way? I lost my virginity at 18 cause if i dated my ass was grass.

That is some fucked up shit!!

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