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Birth control at school for 6-8th graders.


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The birth control in school is not a "behind your back" method. Its the system trying to fill in for the parentless children. I want to thank you all for being good parents, but not every kid is that lucky. I also want to point out that my wife went to a private school and they end up just as pregnant as the public school kids. The only difference is that the rich parents dont want to hurt their reputation so they drag their kids into the doctor and make them have abortions (this was an observation made by my wife, not me). As my wife says all the time "private schools are a joke!", She graduated from CSG (Columbus School for Girls). There were girls that would go have sex in the parking lot during lunch. Private school is great for a better education, but it doesnt stop horny ass kids from giving blow jobs in the parking lot.


I would also like to point out that they are handing out pills and condoms to help prevent babies and stds. They realize that the pill is not enough so they give both to stop the spread of STD's. Ultimately the choice of using the protection is up the the kids (just like the choice of having or not having sex).


Personally I want my daughter to be able to come to me for anything. However I can't force her. You could have the best relationship in the world with your kids, but may never even know at 16 they were pregnant. Kids that dont want to dissapoint their parents will hide things just like kids that hate their parents.


In closing I would like to say it's good to see that CR has a lot of people with good heads on their shoulders. If you parent with the conviction that you type then the world may have hope after all.


Vote for Pedro!



Catholic school bitches are the worst... And they always liked us public school guys, so it worked out.

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My problem with this issue is..


Since when has it become the mandate of our schools systems to become the parent for the children? I don't think that was the original purpose of the schools. Schools are to educate, not play health care provider & parent. I will take my kid to the doc as I see fit. I don't want the schools overstepping my parental authority and going behind my back and giving my child carte blanc to become the STD factory.

Ding Ding! Hit the nail on the head.

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I have a question......


Since there are those liberals on here that think this is an ok. thing to do.


Do you you have kids?


And if you do will you be putting them on birth control as soon as a period appears?


Will you really be ok with your 11 year old spreading her legs for Johnny next door?

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I have a question......


Since there are those liberals on here that think this is an ok. thing to do.


Do you you have kids?


And if you do will you be putting them on birth control as soon as a period appears?


Will you really be ok with your 11 year old spreading her legs for Johnny next door?


I can see from this post, that you will have an argument, with no end in sight, with anyone who does not agree w/ you 100%.


I'm outta here!!





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I can see from this post, that you will have an argument, with no end in sight, with anyone who does not agree w/ you 100%.


I'm outta here!!





Well spoken like someone that cant defend giving birth control to an 11 year old.

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I have a question......


Since there are those liberals on here that think this is an ok. thing to do.


Do you you have kids?


And if you do will you be putting them on birth control as soon as a period appears?


Will you really be ok with your 11 year old spreading her legs for Johnny next door?


I'm not a liberal, however your post doesnt make a lot of sense to me. I actually agree that its the parents job to have a hand in everything that happens in a kids life. But think about this... Some girls are prescribed birth control to help with excessive bleeding and painful periods. Does taking a pill mean they will automatically have sex? Does it say on the package "WARNING!!! if you digest this pill a penis will appear inside of you sometime within the next 21 days".


Now that I think of it I see where you are coming from. You are talking about the reason they are giving them the pills. Its not for medical reasons, its strictly being used as a measure to help stop teen pregnancy. So the girls that are asking for them are the ones that are having sex.


Note: Normally I would have deleted the fist paragraph but its just so damn witty ;)

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But think about this... Some girls are prescribed birth control to help with excessive bleeding and painful periods. Does taking a pill mean they will automatically have sex? Does it say on the package "WARNING!!! if you digest this pill a penis will appear inside of you sometime within the next 21 days".


Then the parents should take their kids to the primary care doc, not the school nurse.


Now that I think of it I see where you are coming from. You are talking about the reason they are giving them the pills. Its not for medical reasons, its strictly being used as a measure to help stop teen pregnancy. So the girls that are asking for them are the ones that are having sex.


Note: Normally I would have deleted the fist paragraph but its just so damn witty ;)

You got it on the second paragraph. The people that endorse this activity (schools giving out the pill), should be ok with their own little girls coming home with Johnny and heading to the bedroom. It they are not ok with that then they should not be telling my daughter that she should be doing that.

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I think we should just control birth all together! Make it so you have to get a doctors approval to have children.

That would get rid of a LOT of welfare babies!

It should be.... if you cant prove you can take care of a child, why the fuck should you be allowed to have one? If you cant lay off the drugs, then why should you be allowed to have children?

To ME... having children should be a privilege, NOT a right. With all the corruption of the systems in society, it should just be this way in my opinion.


dude wtf.. this isnt Red China

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Will you really be ok with your 11 year old spreading her legs for Johnny next door?

That's a dumb question, because the birth control is for girls who already have this problem. I wouldn't want her spreading her legs for anyone, but if she doesn, I wouldn't want her getting knocked up by an asshat. It's a method of protection in changing times.


Again you are ignorantly assuming that these kids have parents. They have people who bore them, and who occasioanlly feed them. The parents are failing at their job, and its the taxpayer that pays. Birth control is cheaper than welfare.


"Being ok with the pill means you're ok with fuckin" is just stupid. The pill doesn't make you a slut, being a slut makes you need the pill. These are for bitches who already have the problem.

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That's a dumb question, because the birth control is for girls who already have this problem. I wouldn't want her spreading her legs for anyone, but if she doesn, I wouldn't want her getting knocked up by an asshat. It's a method of protection in changing times.


As a parent you need to control your child, if you find out this is happening, why would you put a rubber stamp of approval on it.


Again you are ignorantly assuming that these kids have parents. They have people who bore them, and who occasioanlly feed them. The parents are failing at their job, and its the taxpayer that pays. Birth control is cheaper than welfare.

My children have parent and I dont want Susie's parent that have a screwed up life and little to no morals effecting my duaghters outcome in life.


"Being ok with the pill means you're ok with fuckin" is just stupid. The pill doesn't make you a slut, being a slut makes you need the pill. These are for bitches who already have the problem.


How is it stupid? Kind of like telling you kids it is ok to have pot in your room, but don't get high. there are only two reasons some one would be on the pill. Either you have a legit medical issue, or your currently (or getting ready to) spreading legs.


BTW some women/girls get on the pill before their first sexual experience. You don't have to be currently, or in the past, sexually active to get the pill.

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How is it stupid? Kind of like telling you kids it is ok to have pot in your room, but don't get high. there are only two reasons some one would be on the pill. Either you have a legit medical issue, or your currently (or getting ready to) spreading legs.

So it's up to the parent to raise their child not to spread their legs, I'm up to the task. When a parent fails, the pill is there to keep us from having to put up with another teen pregnancy.

Population control is a serious problem in the country. I support easy contraception, be it the pill, condom, or abstinence. Your kid will use one of those, or pop out babies. It's up to you as a parent to raise them in such a manner that they choose what you want. If you fail (many do, even christian parents...especialy christian parents, it seems), they need to have the other 2 options to keep the unwanted kid from popping out.


You have no valid argument, you're just bitching about morality.


You think that the pill will empower more girls to have sex. You obviously haven't spent any time with sluts or drity girls.


The girls that think it's OK to have sex ARE HAVING SEX. Smart sluts carry condoms with them so that can fuck with impunity, no kids, no aids. Dumb sluts trust teenage guys...or 30 year olds, sluts is fucked up.


The ones that are afraid of STDs or disapointing their folks ARE NOT HAVING SEX. Offering them the pill wont change that.

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You have no valid argument, you're just bitching about morality.


My biggest gripe is people like you planting a seed in my little girls head that she should be on the pill, just in case she wants to get busy....


Secondarily, it is NOT the school's responsibility to take over my parenting.


Thirdly, why is that medication any different that an aspirin... got to have parental permission for that.

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Thirdly, why is that medication any different that an aspirin... got to have parental permission for that.

Because kids can be allergic to it. You're ignoring the fact that teachers aren't handing these out. Whoever want one needs to be evaluated by a medical professional before they are issued. If the schools were giving out a perscription drug of any kind, the board would be in prison, not just in the papers. You can't "hand out" anything, asprin included. Only certified medical folk can give you anything, the law adresses teachers or glorified first-aid personell called "school nurses" distribuiting drugs.


Here is the end of your argument: Apply it to fire arms.

By your logic, making guns available to people will make more people go out and shoot eachother. You're argument is really that flawed.


My biggest gripe is people like you planting a seed in my little girls head that she should be on the pill, just in case she wants to get busy....
Again, completely ignoring the facts. No one is being issued the pill, it is just available. Raise your kid right and she won't listen to other people, anyways. ;) She should be on the pill, if she intends to get buisy. If she's not doing it, she don't need it.
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