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Birth control at school for 6-8th graders.


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Oh oh oh..... ONLINE BITCH FEST!!!


I want in!!!




How many here had sex while they were still in school?


Did your parents want you to?


Did you go behind your parent's backs to do it?


Kids have been having sex for a LOOOOOOOONG time. They always will. It is just getting to where they are starting younger, and younger.


Education is part of it. So is peer pressure. Supportive and understanding parenting IS essential though.





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I failed since my parents are divorced too... dont bring your kids my way, I might influence them to do bad things.... ;)

Like buy products of Toyota subsidiaries? :p


What about your daughter Steve? Do you want her being able to go behind your back for birth control?

The question that matters doesn't have "being able to" in it.

Do you want you daughter thinking she has to go behind your back for anything?

The answer is no. The method of prevention is paying attention and providing a good example.


The summation of my point is: Everyone thinking that it's societies fault and not their own is the reason that all of these problems are escalating.

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Sorry, quiet for too long. Your logic is flawed. A kid will not necessarily ever feel comfortable enough with their parent(s) to talk to them about sex, drugs, etc... In many cases the environment and the child's mindset will allow for open communication. In many other cases, the environment is correct but the child will never have the correct mindset. This is not the parents fault, it's simply psychology. Nature vs nurture.
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Oh oh oh..... ONLINE BITCH FEST!!!


I want in!!!




How many here had sex while they were still in school?


Did your parents want you to?


Did you go behind your parent's backs to do it?


Kids have been having sex for a LOOOOOOOONG time. They always will. It is just getting to where they are starting younger, and younger.


Education is part of it. So is peer pressure. Supportive and understanding parenting IS essential though.






Sure I would imagine most of us on here did, but I don't think we need Uncle Sam going around my parental authority. I will raise my kids as I see fit, and birth control in grade six is not in my parental plan

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Guest hotrodmama024
Sure I would imagine most of us on here did, but I don't think we need Uncle Sam going around my parental authority. I will raise my kids as I see fit, and birth control in grade six is not in my parental plan



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Your all crazy if you think that the kids aren't going to go behind your back and do these things regardless. Having health professionals available to them may save their life (see super aids) or save you from having to take care of a baby when your in your 50's. There are things that kids just don't feel comfortable talking to parents about, banging at 14 is likely one of them. (Add religious freaks to the mix and it just escalates the issue imo). Some b/c they don't want to disappoint you, some b/c they fear you'll take away their lifeline to their social life. Having these available at schools may not be the right answer but a step in the right direction.
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I blame myspace. I don't have kids so wtf do I know, but the problem that I see is parents just don't have time to snoop around in their kids lives 24/7 anymore. In the good old days, kids still wanted to drink, have sex, do drugs, etc but their parents found out about it before it became a problem and issued a righteous punishment. These days, kids are living completely separate lives from their parents, who probably have to both work (if they aren't divorced, in which case they SURELY have to both work). Kids go places and do things on their own much more, thanks to cell phones and cars and myspaces and intertubes and all this new fangled shit that just makes it impossible for parents to invade their kids privacy to keep them out of trouble.


Sure, its the parents fault for not keeping up, and letting their kids get into this crap in the first place, but what do you all propose can be done to get these things under control? Its real easy to blame the parents, but no one is doing anything to help a clearly desperate situation besides saying "oh MY kids won't get into that"...

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Guest StanekM3
Bottom line, kids are going to make mistakes, that's why they are called children.


And its the parent's responsibility to set good examples (eating, communitcaion, values, morals, sportsmanship, etc) when picking them up, dusting them off, and sending them back into the real world.

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I think its wrong for the schools to provide.. but hey.. if thats what It takes to keep the dumb ass 14yr olds from getting each other pregnant because theyre stupid, then whatever :( The sad thing is the STD rate will probably sky rocket due to this.
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QFT.......The number one thing I never wanted to do nor want to do is disappointment my parents. My dad was pretty firm with us, but he gave us a lot of things that other kids didn't get and I respected the trust he gave all of us too.


Same rule applies to managers at the office too!



If you raise your kid right, they will be afraid of dissapointing you, not afraid of your wrath.

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It's not your daughter you need to worry about.....it's the boys that are thinking about your daughter having sex who you need to keep an eye on :eek::rolleyes:


I was 15 when I lost it. Those three minutes that changed my life forever :o Yeah.....I was a dog.....but at 19 I met my wife and the rest is history.


My daughter better not be thinking about having sex in middle school. What happened to teaching your kids morals and being open enough to actually talk to them about it. Or is it people are lazy and dont want to raise there kids the right way? I lost my virginity at 18 cause if i dated my ass was grass.

That is some fucked up shit!!

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I'm saying in general, kids make mistakes and do dumb things. No parent or government can PREVENT that.

True, but education and inlfuence can keep the dumb things from becoming perminent things. Case in point: Things that parents tell you not to do. My dad told me not to do many things, things that he had done and was lucky to survive. If he had told me "how" to do them safely (i.e. teach me all of what he'd learned), it would have spared me a near-death experience or two. :)


I know full well that my boy will do dumb things. I hope he listens to me when I say "Don't make works bombs". I REEEEAAALY hope he listens when I say "NEVER make works bombs with glass bottles".

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The birth control in school is not a "behind your back" method. Its the system trying to fill in for the parentless children. I want to thank you all for being good parents, but not every kid is that lucky. I also want to point out that my wife went to a private school and they end up just as pregnant as the public school kids. The only difference is that the rich parents dont want to hurt their reputation so they drag their kids into the doctor and make them have abortions (this was an observation made by my wife, not me). As my wife says all the time "private schools are a joke!", She graduated from CSG (Columbus School for Girls). There were girls that would go have sex in the parking lot during lunch. Private school is great for a better education, but it doesnt stop horny ass kids from giving blow jobs in the parking lot.


I would also like to point out that they are handing out pills and condoms to help prevent babies and stds. They realize that the pill is not enough so they give both to stop the spread of STD's. Ultimately the choice of using the protection is up the the kids (just like the choice of having or not having sex).


Personally I want my daughter to be able to come to me for anything. However I can't force her. You could have the best relationship in the world with your kids, but may never even know at 16 they were pregnant. Kids that dont want to dissapoint their parents will hide things just like kids that hate their parents.


In closing I would like to say it's good to see that CR has a lot of people with good heads on their shoulders. If you parent with the conviction that you type then the world may have hope after all.


Vote for Pedro!

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What about your daughter Steve? Do you want her being able to go behind your back for birth control?


Actually, I have no problem with her getting on BC. The Pill can help with girls who have really bad cramping, as well as not get a bun in the oven.


Communication is the key.





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Personally, I would prefer education for 6th-8th graders, over the pill. How the fuck old are 6th grade girls? 11-12? I cannot see how giving a girls that young would not have some kind of negative effect on her reproductive system.


Condoms....well....that's a different story. Having one, and not needing it, is better than needing it, and not having one.


Also, I would hope that the school would contact the parents if their child came into the Nurse's Office and asked for the pill / comdom. Hell, when I was in school, I could not even have an aspirin w/o parental consent.


I see this being a lawsuit waiting to happen if the parents are not involved w/ the giving of perscribed drugs to their minor child.



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My problem with this issue is..


Since when has it become the mandate of our schools systems to become the parent for the children? I don't think that was the original purpose of the schools. Schools are to educate, not play health care provider & parent. I will take my kid to the doc as I see fit. I don't want the schools overstepping my parental authority and going behind my back and giving my child carte blanc to become the STD factory.

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My problem with this issue is..


Since when has it become the mandate of our schools systems to become the parent for the children? I don't think that was the original purpose of the schools. Schools are to educate, not play health care provider & parent. I will take my kid to the doc as I see fit. I don't want the schools overstepping my parental authority and going behind my back and giving my child carte blanc to become the STD factory.


Everything done to a child under 18 should require a signature from a parent. This just proves that the schools have given up on parents :(

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They're going about this all backwards.. Everyone should be

"on the pill" by default; like a safety on a gun. They should only come "off the pill" when they choose to have a kid. No goddamn mistakes at any age.


NOTE: I use 'the pill' just for making a point. Both men and women should be chemically sterile until they BOTH choose to have a kid.

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