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Where to buy some firewood?


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You have any buildings near you that have a stack of junk pallets behind them? They love it when they disappear over night. Otherwise they hand it away or pay someone to come get them. Plus they make an amazing bonfire since they are easy to stack...
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Just a note. If your camping out of the area make sure you understand that you may be going into a quarantined county and you may be fined for transporting firewood. Ash bores have been moving into Ohio and they are trying to slow them down long enough to find a cure. If its just your backyard then disregard my BS.



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If you are taking your firewood with you, check to see which counties are infected before you do. As others have said, you can be fined if you transport firewood from an infected county into a county that is not infected. Franklin county and just about every county north of Franklin is infected, so no worries. If you are going south of Franklin, buy your wood down there. And of course, you can be fined transporting firewood across state lines no matter what.


As for places that sell firewood, I know there is a place up on Polaris Parkway. I think it is near Africa Road. You can see it from Polaris Parkway and they always have a sign up for firewood for sale.

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off of sunbary and central college theres a place that has a lot. its some house and they have a sign out front saying need firewood or something like that. i know its prob to far for you but i thought i would just throw it out there
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