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Dont blame halo


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I cant stand this bullshit of trying to blame violence on video games. do you think that maybe the kid is just a fuckin nutcase. (this was copied and pasted from another forum)


Local news, Brighton Township, Ohio


Halo 3 addiction leads to Shooting/Murder


TMC News Lorain County - Daniel Petric appeared in court Monday morning wearing his Detention Home uniform and listening as charges of Murder and Attempted Murder were placed against him. Petric may face life in prison.


Petric will now be bound over to Lorain County Common Pleas Court, where it is possible he could be tried as an adult for allegedly shooting his parents after an argument in the family home on Saturday night.


Petric, a Halo/Halo 2/Halo 3 video game fanatic had been arguing with his father after being told he couldn’t play the violent games. Petric had told authorities that he grew tired of arguing with his parents about it, so he retrieved his fathers 9mm semi automatic hand gun and shot them.


Shortly after the shooting, the Petric’s oldest daughter, Heidi Archer and her husband Andrew Archer, arrived at the home to watch the Tribe game with her parents. Daniel would not let the couple enter the home, stopping them at the door. The couple feared something wrong and forced their way inside and found the couple shot and lying on separate couches. Andrew Archer checked Mrs. Petric for a pulse but could not find one so he then moved to Mr. Petric and performed CPR until Medics from Southern Lorain County EMS arrived.


While the Archers were checking the parents Daniel grabbed the keys to his fathers van and fled the home. He was spotted and detained by Wellington Police a short time later in Wellington. Daniel could be heard on the Police car Dash Cam blaming his mother and father for the shooting.


Lorain County Sheriff’s Department say that through interviews and physical evidence gathered at the scene they believe that Daniel was the shooter and acted alone. During the call to 9-1-1 that night, Heidi Archer named her brother as the shooter.


Daniel is scheduled to be back in court next month for a probable cause hearing[/b]

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you know its not the games that make the kid do this, its either A shitty parenting or B the kid has a major screw loose and was bound to do something eventually.


I mean if you think about it how many people play Halo1/2/3 over the entire country or even the world and one kid that happens to play these games and we blame the game. I could understand if we went to his room and put on a Master cheif outfit on and shot his Mom then beat her down and took Dad out with a sticky but he got mad because he didnt like what his parents told him and he shot them for it. Hell lets blame racing video games for him taking the car and running away.


Another thing is why was the gun in the house NOT hidden or locked up or even a trigger lock on it? So lets blame guns too because it sure did help the kid in making his own life a living hell

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It frustrates me to think how stupid people are today. They blame everything on all the wrong shit - WTF!


Thats the problem, the blame has gone in every direction but the parents. back in the day, if your kid went ape shit, people looked at the parents like they were the most irresponsible people on the planet and should go to jail for neglagence. Now days, people look at the parents with sympathy and remorse for having a "bad egg"... thats bullshit, YOU MADE HIM CRAZY!

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