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Halo 3 Tonight!!! 10pm - *


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You will be my zombie bitch!!! Kidding, don't know if I'll be able to get the tv from the roommate or not.


We must beat the game on legendary... figure it out.


Oh yea, its my birthday so its really not an option... get it done.

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I already beat it by myself on Legendary. I'm up for some social slayer anytime, I prefer teams opposed to lone stuff.


Austin: Not sure, never had an internet connection via satellite, we kept our road runner when we switched to satellite.

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Nick, I forgot you wanted to play campaign but I was playing multi with my roommate and some friends, the guys has less of a life than me so I can't get the tv to myself much. Next weekend Ray is out of town so I'll have the tv to myself.
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i'll be on alot this weekend


you were playing everything but Halo. I kept trying to invite everyone but by the time people answered, i was already in matches.


Mike and Brian both hopped on and played for a bit, and one of my shift managers did too. I was drinking my ass off, gatorade and everclear, so i dont relly know how bad i was, all i know is i got ketchep all over my controler and phone from the triple cheese burgar i had... didnt find it untill today lol.

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I saw you online but we were doing multiplayer and I know you want to do campaign Nick.


na we did muti. I did want to beat it on legendary but really im not that pressed for it. we played slayer and big team for hours.

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K i was drunk last night and playing halo and no one was on!!!!


Might be because there was a football game on involving a local team!! I might be on some tonight and will be for sure tuesday night and a lot this week as Ray leaves town wednesday through the weekend.

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Might be because there was a football game on involving a local team!! I might be on some tonight and will be for sure tuesday night and a lot this week as Ray leaves town wednesday through the weekend.

well yeah i watched that tooo... i meant after the game :p

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