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Help me find an LCD monitor


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I'm in need of an LCD monitor. Preferrably under $200. I want a wide screen display. I see this one on newegg.. 19" Acer




Also would like a DVI output as my video card has it.


What I'd REALLY like is a 22" wide screen monitor, but that probably out of the price range.


Here's another one..



Any other sites I can look at for a monitor?

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They have a 21 and 24". I went 24" for about $400 but the 21 was a lot less and not much more than what you are looking to spend. I just wanted to get the the biggest they had since I was buying on impulse. Digital and analog hook ups. Excellent quality. I do a lot of photography and video editing and it's been great.
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22 wides can be had for 200$ if you watch around. I have one at home and work and I love it.


now the other guys have 24 inch wides and they are the same res so they don't get any more space then me just bigger text/pics.






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I did the black Friday thing last year got hypothermia.... If I do it again I am taking a grill with many bags of charcoal to keep warm.


I'm getting a bigscreen tv for my mom, she's done way too much for me this year. I'm just waiting for circuit city's ads to come out.

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