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queers who have nothing better to do.


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since you brought it up we decided to bring it to the kitchen, (just to fill everyone in mr. grammer nazi is a fag and if you want to know why just go to kill stories under "bonneville on 20s")


ok since your major was in manament, who gave you the degree in m.u.g.s? and if your such a grammer nut you will know what that means. :asshole:

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You may not know me, or know of me, but I have quite a life. And for me being on this car forum bitching about grammar? I have contributed far more to this forum and the area car community than you will ever hope to.


I have a degree in Management, minor in Economics, from tOSU.


I also understand my Constitutional right to free speech here, or anywhere else. So I'll feel free to stir this pot as long as it entertains me. And it is STILL quite humorous to see you continue to dig yourself farther into a hole.


BTW. Capitalization is your friend. Nice try on the punctuation.


Kitchen anyone?


big deal, you have done more in the car community. im so happy for you, and no where in your degree does it say english teacher. or teacher. or education. so to have any ground to stand on in the real world you would have to be backed by one of these titles correct? i think so, would you go to a mechanic whose degree was in art? or would you go to a dentist who graduated with a masters in buissness? i hope not, so why would i care what a managment major has to say about grammer?

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big deal, you have done more in the car community. im so happy for you, and no where in your degree does it say english teacher. or teacher. or education. so to have any ground to stand on in the real world you would have to be backed by one of these titles correct? i think so, would you go to a mechanic whose degree was in art? or would you go to a dentist who graduated with a masters in buissness? i hope not, so why would i care what a managment major has to say about grammer?


Numb-nuts, you asked if I had one. I answered, completely.


As for your quip above, that hole is getting deeper by the second. Your logic is a bit flawed.

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how is the logic flawed? you are not a teacher or even an english grad, so who gives a shit what you say about grammer? that would be like someone telling you how to manage a buissness that has a teaching degree, that wouldnt make any since, just like you telling an education major how to speak properly.( btw im an education major)
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It's rather difficult to be able to make it far in the business world with an elementary school level ability to write legible English. You don't have to be able to pull $10 words out of your ass, just make sure that what you do type is correct.


And as for Mike - most people on here (myself included) can only dream to accomplish what he has. When he speaks, shut the fuck up and listen, you might just learn something.

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It's rather difficult to be able to make it far in the business world with an elementary school level ability to write legible English. You don't have to be able to pull $10 words out of your ass, just make sure that what you do type is correct.


And as for Mike - most people on here (myself included) can only dream to accomplish what he has. When he speaks, shut the fuck up and listen, you might just learn something.



i dont wish to be like any other man than myself. i respect your words of wisdom, but by the time im done i will accomplished all that i want to, and you dont have to be that great of a speaker to make it that far in buissness, i know more than enough dumbasses that have made millions and cant spell for shit. my best friends brother is the c.e.o of verizion wireless in ohio, guess what he didnt graduate high school and makes way more than a 25 mil a year.

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No, you see, you go way beyond simple 'grammatical errors'. Imagine the English language is a tender young cabana boy named Felipe. You are the traveling, lonely, sexually frustrated businessman named Jorge. One day you meet Felipe and begin to earn his trust. You learn a little about him, just enough to take advantage of him. Then one day you take Felipe, and in an attempt to serve your own selfish desires you rape him. You violate him. You turn Felipe's anus into a playground of blood, feces, and tears. After what you've done to Felipe, he will never be the same. He will never trust again. Never love again.


Shame on you, Jorge. Shame on you.

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No, you see, you go way beyond simple 'grammatical errors'. Imagine the English language is a tender young cabana boy named Felipe. You are the traveling, lonely, sexually frustrated businessman named Jorge. One day you meet Felipe and begin to earn his trust. You learn a little about him, just enough to take advantage of him. Then one day you take Felipe, and in an attempt to serve your own selfish desires you rape him. You violate him. You turn Felipe's anus into a playground of blood, feces, and tears. After what you've done to Felipe, he will never be the same. He will never trust again. Never love again.


Shame on you, Jorge. Shame on you.



ummm thats just graphic and sick.lol

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Because it's incredibly painful to try to piece together your jarbled thoughts into what might be a sentence.



THEN DONT FUCKING READ IT! if you get to a story like this


"So I'm goin downtown on 670 get on the 4th street exit an went it goes 3 lanes I gradually pass a 2000ish bonnibille...sle....so no supercharger on 20's....so I get to the light an they keep like jumpin forward at the light an I look over....they say wana race....and mind u in my srt4...I said r u serious?...of course were serious....so I say ok on green....but ill give u a second or two....them fuck u an ur pos neon... so I laugh...an when green I pourposely drop at 4k to get the tires to go into complete smoke...an I shift into2nd and I'm pulling busses on them while spinning haha...I getr up to the next light an stop...them wtf was that fuck u n*G*A blahblah an I go on my way....ahahahahhaah wooo"



and cant seem to make out what he is saying, take that lil thing called a mouse and click out of the thread. its not hard to do .

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i dont wish to be like any other man than myself. i respect your words of wisdom, but by the time im done i will accomplished all that i want to, and you dont have to be that great of a speaker to make it that far in buissness, i know more than enough dumbasses that have made millions and cant spell for shit. my best friends brother is the c.e.o of verizion wireless in ohio, guess what he didnt graduate high school and makes way more than a 25 mil a year.


Ceo in Ohio?? last I checked we dont have an Ohio CEO, there are only 2 pay levels above me in Ohio currently. Now the midwest as a whole has about 5 levels above me.....

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I always thought that you should know how to write after the 12 long fucking years of education you go through starting when you are 5 or 6. I didn't know that you had to have a degree in English to correct someone's very poor English. Your's is so bad that Andy Katzenmoyer could waste and entire red pen on your writing.
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Ceo in Ohio?? last I checked we dont have an Ohio CEO, there are only 2 pay levels above me in Ohio currently. Now the midwest as a whole has about 5 levels above me.....



are you with the company? or the franchises? he owns almost all of the franchise stores in ohio.

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I am with Rotarded on this subject. Please attempt to use some sort of gramatical structure to your post. Otherwise I am going to bill you for the Imitrex I need after reading your posts.


Cough... cough... Thorne too.

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are you with the company? or the franchises? he owns almost all of the franchise stores in ohio.


Franchise does not mean Verizon Wireless, which is what you said until you got called out. You are doing a great job of making yourself look like a complete fool. Keep up the good work, Michigan boy.

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what does having a degree in linguistics have to do with correcting your grammar. correct grammar is formulaic, its not a subjective assessment done by a professional who judges you. it's a simple matter of right or wrong.







I love when the dumbfucks crawl out of the woodwork in the winter.

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