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Foreman Grill


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My Foreman grill has seen its better days, so it's time to buy a new one. I've been searching the retail stores websites to get prices. Little did I know, there are now 90 bazillion different Foreman grills. So, need some help picking out a new one.


1. What grill do you have?

2. What do you like about it?

3. What do you dislike about it?

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i got one from my grandma for xmas when i moved into my appt. its huge, and for some reason, it has NO temp setting. plug in, its on. unplug, its off


i would look for one with a) enough area for you to cook (depending on how many you normally cook for), b) temp setting c) removable plates. will make cleaning 1000x easier

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I have the generation 5 I think? The one with the different plates that you can swap out. I don't really use the waffle plates very much, but it's WAY handy that you can pull the grill plates off and clean them. They say you can put them in the dishwasher, but I don't.


I would highly recommend the removable plate versions over the older versions just for ease of cleanup. I use mine probably 1-2 times a week.

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i have the hamilton beach one linked above, and also found that i use my sandwich maker a ton more--it has interchangeable fittings on it. one is for pitas/quesadillas, another is the grill surface, and another is a waffle surface--pretty sweet.
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in my apt for 4 people we use an oldass version that has no temp settings. basically your good ole' plug-and-cook interface with a light on top, and you know your shit's done when smoke starts pouring out. If you need one with all sorts of knobs and lights and all that other shit, get a regular goddamn grill and put on a coat. we only have the foreman for grilling sandwiches, for meats and stuff you should grow a pair of balls, brave the weather, and cook outside like a real man.
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If you need one with all sorts of knobs and lights and all that other shit, get a regular goddamn grill and put on a coat. we only have the foreman for grilling sandwiches, for meats and stuff you should grow a pair of balls, brave the bacteria, and eat it raw like a real man.



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I have the basic $20 job that is about to fall apart. My next one I will buy will have the removable plates for cleaning. Honestly a temp knob is useless in my opinion. Use a grill if you need to change the temp around.
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