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Wife is in the hospital.


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cellutitus is a blood cell infection



cellulitis is a superficial skin infection, treated with antibiotics by mouth on an outpatient basis, or IV antibiotics in the hospital if more serious--i see it every day.


thorne, i hope she has a speedy recovery.



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cellulitis is a superficial skin infection, treated with antibiotics by mouth on an outpatient basis, or IV antibiotics in the hospital if more serious--i see it every day.


thorne, i hope she has a speedy recovery.




Yeah its pretty bad off because she has Lyphtonema and diabetes so its got really bad. Its gotton larger and she is on IV drugs.


I thought it was blood its skin. It can be fatal. Being diabetic makes things worse. It can move into the blood.

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She's coming home later today!!!!!!!!


Her leg totaly changed direction last night . Apparently the shit started working. Which is awesome since when i seen her leg the pink had spread.




That is good news! Congrats.

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Good deal, man. Tell her I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Lord knows you can't take care of yourself. I thought I was going to have to tuck you in and read you a story before I left this morning. ;)


HAHAHA. I moped around the house for 2 hours or so cleaning. See WTF you made me do. I don't clean I pay people to clean for me . But hrmm If I started cleaning I would have a extra 100$ in my pocket every month for parts.

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Good deal, man. Tell her I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Lord knows you can't take care of yourself. I thought I was going to have to tuck you in and read you a story before I left this morning. ;)


wtf where you guys doing? :wtf:

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