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Quoted for truth.


eh, college is what you make of it. For some its an experience, for others its a party-enhancer, for many its a place to open up opportunities. Average GPA for a self-made millionaire hovers around 2.7. My GPA is 2.8. Things are lookin good for me.

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if it works go for it, good luck with that , i almost went to the air force but i decided that i wanted to become a teacher instead.


Hopefully a PE teacher, because we sure know you will not be an English teacher. When you do get hired please post where you get hired so I can make sure I don't live in the district.

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eh, college is what you make of it. For some its an experience, for others its a party-enhancer, for many its a place to open up opportunities. Average GPA for a self-made millionaire hovers around 2.7. My GPA is 2.8. Things are lookin good for me.


im S.O.L then cause im going to be a teacher, and avg salary for a first year phys ed teacher 26,500, and i have a 4.0 GPA. so my luck is looking really bad.

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eh, college is what you make of it. For some its an experience, for others its a party-enhancer, for many its a place to open up opportunities. Average GPA for a self-made millionaire hovers around 2.7. My GPA is 2.8. Things are lookin good for me.



Im just gonna rely on my good looks and charm and hope it gets me somewhere if not i am so screwed i did not plan on that failing.


More power to anyone that can go to college and succeed and make something for themselves. Ill stick to learning everything i can about the car sales business and start one in a few years. If not guess ill have to break out the textbooks and go to college and learning something useful.

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Can still join the guard, do it part time, get college tuition paied for, not to mention extra pay check and a bonus ;)

I still gotta talk my fiancee into it :( I was going in as an E3 with a $20k bonus too.


PS. I'll give you a call this week about the XD. Are you interested in a partial trade for that 30-30 I have?

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