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Guest Hondagirl

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very original. I applaud you. :finger:


Dont mind him, he loves to talk shit from another state. Like just a minute ago, he tried to make a shot about being glad he went to college... insinuating that i didnt. But what the tick turd doesnt know, because he's just a keyboard warrior with a little penis, is that I did, so his his attempt to insult is really just another reason for anyone and everyone to hate him and his wild cat of a car.

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Dont mind him, he loves to talk shit from another state. Like just a minute ago, he tried to make a shot about being glad he went to college... insinuating that i didnt. But what the tick turd doesnt know, because he's just a keyboard warrior with a little penis, is that I did, so his his attempt to insult is really just another reason for anyone and everyone to hate him and his wild cat of a car.


Since you decided to drag this into another threda, Ill drag it right back


ok numb nuts, you went to college, for what liberal arts? what engineering background lands you at pizza hut? sure as hell not mech,aero,aerospace....


lets start comparing salary, assets, standard of living for the next 5-10 years.


lol, let me know how the R&D is going imitating how to make pizza...or wait, did you r&d the food?

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Since you decided to drag this into another threda, Ill drag it right back


ok numb nuts, you went to college, for what liberal arts? what engineering background lands you at pizza hut? sure as hell not mech,aero,aerospace....


lets start comparing salary, assets, standard of living for the next 5-10 years.


lol, let me know how the R&D is going imitating how to make pizza...or wait, did you r&d the food?


youre just another dumb kid i piss on. You cant rattle me with anything, and im sure as hell not going to make it public as to what my assests are. I probably have more money in stocks, bonds, CDs, and mutual funds than you will see in the next decade, but thats my business, and for my retirement ;) What i have that you dont see is something you wont ever hear me talk about... thats my business.

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youre just another dumb kid i piss on. You cant rattle me with anything, and im sure as hell not going to make it public as to what my assests are. I probably have more money in stocks, bonds, CDs, and mutual funds than you will see in the next decade, but thats my business, and for my retirement ;) What i have that you dont see is something you wont ever hear me talk about... thats my business.




sorry bud, the only thing youll be pissing on is someone stupid enough to be hired in fast food


might want to look up salaries for P.E.s before you start slinging mud.

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sorry bud, the only thing youll be pissing on is someone stupid enough to be hired in fast food


might want to look up salaries for P.E.s before you start slinging mud.


lol, you youngsters dont know when to quit. you keep thinking your hot shit... im sure well cross paths one day and prehaps then we can compare notes ;)

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lol, you youngsters dont know when to quit. you keep thinking your hot shit... im sure well cross paths one day and prehaps then we can compare notes ;)


You STFU too, you're only 3 years younger them him. :pimpslap:


I'm in your Volvo, stealin your breadsticks.

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lol, you youngsters dont know when to quit. you keep thinking your hot shit... im sure well cross paths one day and prehaps then we can compare notes ;)


Come on over, ill give you a tour of the facility....


I don't think im hot shit at all, but I know I'm well educated. I have work experience in actual "engineering".


can you say the same?

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Come on over, ill give you a tour of the facility....


I don't think im hot shit at all, but I know I'm well educated. I have work experience in actual "engineering".


can you say the same?


yes i can. you dont know who your batteling dude, just stop lol

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yes i can. you dont know who your batteling dude, just stop lol


I'm not battling anyone...no sword in my hand or gun at my side


where is your credability? what oem companies have you r&d with? please share because I'm facsinated how you end up at pizza hut????????

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I'm not battling anyone...no sword in my hand or gun at my side


where is your credability? what oem companies have you r&d with? please share because I'm facsinated how you end up at pizza hut????????


because it was a better opertunity.



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The better you can let the air flow in and out of your engine the better for fuel economy. ex. short ram intake and a free flowing exhaust. Along with a well tuned engine, synthetic fluids, good tire pressure, and a clean fuel filter. Also, when pumping gas, try pumping slower. Pumps measure by volume and the faster you pump the more air bubles in the fuel as it comes through the line, if you go slow there will be less air and more fuel entering your tank. :) And try to fill your tank before it goes below half empty, I cant remember exactyl how this helps, but its something about how it keeps the gas from evaporating faster if there is less air in the fuel tank. Hope this helps!
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Guest Blue97accord
I'd like to let everyone know that this is no girl. It is a creepy guy who set up an account here to try to frame me for cheating on my girlfriend. He has apparently been stalking me and my girlfriend for quite some time now. I am being dead serious here and i have proof to back it.
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I'd like to let everyone know that this is no girl. It is a creepy guy who set up an account here to try to frame me for cheating on my girlfriend. He has apparently been stalking me and my girlfriend for quite some time now. I am being dead serious here and i have proof to back it.


Let's see it. I'm in the banning mood today. Oh, and Cougar and Nick need to take their shit back to their origanal thread because, well, I'm in a banning mood.

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Guest Blue97accord
Let's see it. I'm in the banning mood today. Oh, and Cougar and Nick need to take their shit back to their origanal thread because, well, I'm in a banning mood.

It's in the form of an AIM convo. I'll PM it to you.

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all the car advice listed above is great. my advice would be to quit your minimum wage research job, and get a higher paying job. professors prey on students' insecurities and use them as cheap labor for their research projects. assuming you're only involved in the research to better your resume for grad school/jobs/etc., offer to help do the research for free on your spare time, and get a better paying job as your primary source of income. that way you can still list the research on your resume, and have enough knowledge to sound like you had a major part in the project during interviews. if you're doing the research job, because you like zoology research (and plan it for a career), then sorry, get used to being poor and asking for advice on how to eek gas mileage out of a car. i had $5/hour research jobs in college, tutored students $5.25/hr, and tutored for the MCAT $17.50/hr, and i regret all those bullshit jobs except for the MCAT tutoring job.
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