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My brother is a firefighter up near Bowling Green. He took his training at Owens Community College. He got his Fire I and II, and EMT-B and EMT-P.


Columbus State offers the same classes, along with the HAZMAT, Fire Inspection, Arson Investigation, etc.


Thats in order now for myself taking my pre reqs at the moment.

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Im a Firefighter, just got my fire/ems degree from columbus state this summer. In order to be considered for a job in the columbus vicinity you need a Fire240 card(level 1 and 2) emt-b at a minimium and emt-p for a real chance...and thats just for a part time position.


240 card can be obtained in 1 or 2 quarters at cscc. other places like eastland carrer(who i went through) teach out at the Ohio FireAcademy on broad st.They utalize all the same instructor, facilites and equipment the academy does. you can also take it directly through the academy(but people who are on department somewhere get preferential placement.). ohio 240 alows you to professionally fight fire in ohio.


emt-b is a quarter at cscc, or 4mo at eastland career. Grant medical center also offers emt-b classes, but i dont know how long they run. you get state and nationally registered. once you pass teh class itself you have to sit for written and hands on test for national registery.


emt-p is anywhere from 7mo to 5quarters. 7-8mo at Grant, 1yr at cscc, not sure how long at eastland and 5 quarters at owens community college (the cscc equlivielnt in dayton). Once again when you finish the class you have to sit for a national test iwth hand on and a written.



knock you ems stuff out in a row, and then do 240. or 240 then all ems stuff.

start riding at your local department. call first before you go in and ask to speak with the Lt for that station. Bring x2 ice cream when you come in and ask questions ask to go out on runs when them.


once you got yor certifications, you need to know someone to get a job....in columbus atleast. the job front is hard in columbus, which is why i work in the dayon area. they need people bad. Our department needs people bad actually.


Contacts for certs.


cscc: carylon stephel at cscc is the head of EMS education. Chris bell is the head medic instructor. i dont know ho the basic insctuctor is.

cscc website has some info. so does the state fire academy as well as eastland career.


pm if you wanna know anything else

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I am in the 240 class at cscc right now. Hopefully Graduate in a month. Great class it also helps to get your 240 card at a college because you can take other courses and get a degree which bumps you up the list of getting a job. Any questions about the class or the cscc firefighting and emt just pm me.
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