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While it sucks he may have been roughed up by CPD (which shouldn't have happened). The fact still remains he was driver w/out a valid lisence or Insurance while racing. Would the same thing had happened if he was lisenced and insured? Don't know your guess is as good as mine. Could the whole thing been avoided by using common sense? Hell yes.


Holy shit,

I never thought I'd see common sense in this thread.




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Lol CPD will probably say they saw 2,000lbs of weed in the back and decided he needed a good beat down because there dicks were feeling a little short are the moment. I hate the power the police have over every single one of us. There is no defence against them and it scares me any time I talk to one. Its almost like we need a lawyer and a camera man with us at all times.



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Lol CPD will probably say they saw 2,000lbs of weed in the back and decided he needed a good beat down because there dicks were feeling a little short are the moment. I hate the power the police have over every single one of us. There is no defence against them and it scares me any time I talk to one. Its almost like we need a lawyer and a camera man with us at all times.




You might be surprized on what they have to say.

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with what police have to go through on a daily basis...i don't doubt they're a bit jaded, to say the least


i'll be one of the first to give a bad opinion of most of them: but i can't say i wouldn't act similarly if that was my job for a significant amount of time

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Lol CPD will probably say they saw 2,000lbs of weed in the back and decided he needed a good beat down because there dicks were feeling a little short are the moment. I hate the power the police have over every single one of us. There is no defence against them and it scares me any time I talk to one. Its almost like we need a lawyer and a camera man with us at all times.




Must.....resist.....urge! FUCK!





The CPD will probably say they saw 2,000lbs of weed in the back and decided he needed a good beat-down because their dicks were feeling a little short at the moment. I hate the power the police have over every single one of us. There is no defense against them and it scares me any time I talk to one. Its almost like I need a lawyer and a camera man with me at all times.




OK, where is my medication? Deeeep breaths, deeep breaths.......

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Must.....resist.....urge! FUCK!




OK, where is my medication? Deeeep breaths, deeep breaths.......


You missed a couple...


last sentence should be "It's" not "Its"


In the first sentence, "their" should be changed to "its" or CPD should have "officers" after it, the CPD is an organization not a plural.

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You missed a couple...


last sentence should be "It's" not "Its"


In the first sentence, "their" should be changed to "its" or CPD should have "officers" after it, the CPD is an organization not a plural.


Sorry, I just could not get past the ignorance of the content well enough to focus entirely on the grammar.

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I think later I'll practice the craft of driving on the wrong side of the road, and then follow that with felony assault.

I'll be the best!


The best would be wardriving while driving on the wrong side of the road. Also while masturbating to online porn. If you can do that without any property damage you will be super cool in my book. ;)

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I did not know my license was suspended at the time. I was not living at the address that was on my license and it was not updated. I have been living where i am now for the past year and a half. The Fra was from me driving my rx7 for the first time in a long time and not realizing that my insurance did not cover it, i thought it did but it was only comprehensive.

So when i submitted my insurance card to the clerk of courts i was not notified that it was not covered under that insurance. When i was out driving and "racing" i had no idea that it was suspended. I had insurance on the vehicle as well when i was driving it and have had it since ive been driving it.

The cpd report left out everything that made them look bad. they misquoted me and my gf and the other witness. My gf and i were seperated and our stories of what happened were idential and the story of the police officers was completey opposite. covering his own ass.


I agree there are good cops and bad cops. Just like there is with everything else. I mean a cop jumping into the car and yelling at my girl friend to shut the fuck up and what the fuck do you think you were doing.


Even if i was doing something wrong that is no reason to react to the extreme that they did. I cooperated with the officer he just had a huge adrenaline rush going on.

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The cpd report left out everything that made them look bad. they misquoted me and my gf and the other witness. My gf and i were seperated and our stories of what happened were idential and the story of the police officers was completey opposite. covering his own ass.


well of course they did. thats just par for the course man... lying by omission is still lying and they do it all the time. "take the breathalyzer and everything will be better for you" LOL no it wont. it will be better for the officer, and for his case, but definetly not for you. my all time favorite line though is "if you have nothing to hide, then why not let me search your car?" umm maybe because its my right at a citizen? or maybe i just dont want you pawing through all of my stuff...



too bad there is no camera so we will never know what REALLY happened.


they dont have them exactly for this reason IMO. so they could go back to their usual tricks even after the USDOJ stepped in.




In its original suit filed in October 1999, the Justice Department alleged that the city's police officers engage in a pattern or practice of excessive force, false arrests, and illegal searches and seizures. Thereafter, the Fraternal Order of Police, Capitol City Lodge No. 9, intervened as a defendant in the case.


The new claim of racially discriminatory conduct is based on extensive analysis of a database containing all citations issued by the Columbus police and filed with the Franklin County Municipal Court from January 1994 through October 1999.




cant be making false arrests and illegal searches with a camera in the car...




i agree with other posters, there are good cops and there are bad cops, but i think its way too easy for a good cop to realize he fucked up and "make a mistake" on the report so he doesnt get in trouble. and of course the other cops arent going to say anything... unless they are serpico.

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I guess my fear of police is a good reason to have many many more traffic cameras. At least they can't attack me or mis understand anything as hostile.



Honestly there is no reason to be skurred of the police. Because they "uphold the law", don't mean you need to be scared of them. Granted they can get away with things that aren't always just, but I sure as fuck am not scared. I've put enough people in the ground not to be scared of some over zealous police officer on a head trip. I respect their job, and am trying to get on to Gahanna police department at the moment, but I think that's why the public looks down upon the police.

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