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court is finally over


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Whether or not he did even beat the guys ass is not the concern. The fact is he was driving and should not have been. NO EXCUSE. Period. Especially when he had another person in the vehicle that could have driven (again, assuming she had a license herself).


Ignore the fact that he was beat by a fellow officer because his licence was suspended :rolleyes: Then you say if he wasnt driving none of this wouild have happened. This is true, but what if I say... if he would have got hit by a truck while getting ice cream at a Dairy Queen shop at 6:75pm he wouldnt have been able to drive to get pulled over and alledgedly get beat by officers of the law. I know you have probably been in situations where people getting arrested have lied about you, but you still have to look at the big picture. You bllowing off the fact that he got his ass beat almost makes it sound like you think its ok to do?????? I dont want to put words in anyones mouth so please reply.

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I'm talking about my other line of work. Army being called out in cases of civil unrest and the like. Meaning we have full authority to detain, and control cities and the people within such cities.




gentlemen, what we have here is the extremely rare and nearly extinct self-pwn.






thanks for playing, better luck next time

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gentlemen, what we have here is the extremely rare and nearly extinct self-pwn.






thanks for playing, better luck next time

Martial law is the system of rules that takes effect when the military takes control of the normal administration of justice.


Usually martial law reduces some of the personal rights ordinarily granted to the citizen, limits the length of the trial processes, and prescribes more severe penalties than ordinary law. In many states martial law prescribes the death penalty for certain crimes, even if ordinary law does not contain that crime or punishment in its system.


Martial law is sometimes imposed during wars or occupations in the absence of any other civil government. Examples of this form of military rule include Germany and Japan after World War II or the American South during the early stages of Reconstruction. In addition it is used by governments to enforce their rule, for example after a coup d'état (Thailand 2006), when threatened by popular protests (Tiananmen Square protests of 1989), or to crack down on the opposition (Poland 1981). Martial law can also be declared in cases of major natural disasters, however most countries use a different legal construct like "state of emergency".


In many countries martial law imposes particular rules, one of which is curfew. Often, under this system, the administration of justice is left to a military tribunal, called a court-martial. The suspension of the writ of habeas corpus is likely to occur.


And how did I own myself?

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Fact = He was driving without insurance/license and should have never been behind the wheel of a car


Theory = He was allegedly roughed up by the cops.


Not to pull the race card, but this is exactly what they used to do to my friends in court...


Fact = He had whatever violation


Theory = What ever happened between them and the cops


Its not fun being pulled over and told you need to take your n**** ass off this side of town. Its not fun being roughed up for no reason then sent on your way. Then when they call in to file a report against the officer its swept under a rug. Considering I have plenty of friends that are treated this way, police brutality hits a sweet spot with me. I dont know if the kid is white or black, but the fact that he drives a fast and the furious type of sports car puts him in the same class as me.

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I'm waiting for Marshall Law to be instated, then it's my turn (Andrew aswell :D )


nice try.

martial =/= marshall


I'm talking about my other line of work. Army being called out in cases of civil unrest and the like. Meaning we have full authority to detain, and control cities and the people within such cities.


i was correcting your spelling, you self pwned by not noticing and thinking I was unaware of the meaning of "martial law", which I then attempted to prove to you by showing you the actual difference between Marshall Law, which is what you spelled initially and refers to a tv show, and martial law, which is the phrase you misspelled in the first place.



jeez, can I make it any clearer?

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i was correcting your spelling, you self pwned by not noticing and thinking I was unaware of the meaning of "martial law", which I then attempted to prove to you by showing you the actual difference between Marshall Law, which is what you spelled initially and refers to a tv show, and martial law, which is the phrase you misspelled in the first place.



jeez, can I make it any clearer?

Fuck. Ok you win on this one. :nutkick:

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Marshall sounds cooler. But I agree, being a Law Enforcement officer is like every other job. You get quite an authority upholding the law, keeping the peace and protecting citizens. With any authority boundaries always will be over stepped and things taken further than needed. I believe in most cases police officers are too scared to use more force for the simple threat of getting in trouble. Same thing in Iraq, soldiers don't wanna go to Leavenworth over poping someone or beating them too hard.
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Whether or not he did even beat the guys ass is not the concern. The fact is he was driving and should not have been. NO EXCUSE. Period.


not a concern? is it okay for cops to go around beating people for the fun of it? is being assaulted by the cop a valid and fair punishment for driving without a license?

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not a concern? is it okay for cops to go around beating people for the fun of it? is being assaulted by the cop a valid and fair punishment for driving without a license?


Nope, but seriously sit down and read the story and see if its truely completely believable in the first place. Its like watching those cop videos of officers beating down people, but NOT seeing what happened BEFORE the beatdown.

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Guest hotrodmama024

I have known people that have been pulled over for a DUI and got taken to jail with a suspended license. He didnt get beat, or roughed up. Its all about who you obviously get as a cop. Some are nicer then others i guess.


That is fucked up that you were tossed around like a rag doll. I hope everything works out better in the future!

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Not to pull the race card, but the fact that he drives a fast and the furious type of sports car puts him in the same class as me.


Too late you did ! ;)


Yes, lets lump race, cars, the moon and sky all together. The fact that someone was stupid enough to drive without insurance in the first place, then drive on a suspended license and race people proves that his cell count is probably pretty low.


He could tell me that an alien force came down and probed him, It would be just as believable at this point.


For all we know, he was spitting in the cops face and calling them every name in the book. Maybe he did try and run?


He certainly wasn't out for a sunday stroll, and was pulled over and harrased/abused for no reason !

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not a concern? is it okay for cops to go around beating people for the fun of it? is being assaulted by the cop a valid and fair punishment for driving without a license?

The earth must be coming to an end we agree on something. :p

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I believe his story cuz Ive been roughed up for no reason...and maced. WE all make mistakes.....but I know people like team elite and others(myself) that stunt are treated differently cuz they are "rebels"...its fucked up. were just mastering a craft like anyone else
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I believe his story cuz Ive been roughed up for no reason...and maced. WE all make mistakes.....but I know people like team elite and others(myself) that stunt are treated differently cuz they are "rebels"...its fucked up. were just mastering a craft like anyone else


Yeah, he was mastering the craft of driving without insurance/license.

It appears he was really good at it too!



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While it sucks he may have been roughed up by CPD (which shouldn't have happened). The fact still remains he was driver w/out a valid lisence or Insurance while racing. Would the same thing had happened if he was lisenced and insured? Don't know your guess is as good as mine. Could the whole thing been avoided by using common sense? Hell yes.
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