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Lol you don't fear that they could decide you had drugs, assaulted them, and other stuff? They could even take you out somewhere to have you preform sex acts on them and you would be completely powerless to stop them. I call that way to much power.



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Lol you don't fear that they could decide you had drugs, assaulted them, and other stuff? They could even take you out somewhere to have you preform sex acts on them and you would be completely powerless to stop them. I call that way to much power.



Not scared of another human being, badge or no badge. Ha, I'd put 3 in his head if he tried to "drag" me away, badge or no badge. That wouldn't stop me, if he was in the wrong.

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Not scared of another human being, badge or no badge. Ha, I'd put 3 in his head if he tried to "drag" me away, badge or no badge. That wouldn't stop me, if he was in the wrong.





as soon as the other officers come and you are arrested, they will do everything in their power to put you away. You would of assaulted an officer. No matter if he is in the wrong, your ass would be toast.

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Lol you don't fear that they could decide you had drugs, assaulted them, and other stuff? They could even take you out somewhere to have you preform sex acts on them and you would be completely powerless to stop them. I call that way to much power.





you watch way too much TV.

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Hehe to be honest I don't watch TV at all besides some star treks and a few cartoons on NICK. I'm just being paranoid, but I guess if they wanted to they could do anything they wanted and it would always be their word vs ours. I think we'd all lose that one.


As for putting a few rounds in the cop. Thats what I'm meaning. You go to jail for ever and probably get the death penalty. I guess we could stand up for Honor and whats right, but in the cases I'm talking about we only end up taking the bad guy down with us. Life isn't always black and white I'm afraid. Sometimes we just gotta suck it when they say suck it:-)



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Hehe to be honest I don't watch TV at all besides some star treks and a few cartoons on NICK.



This answers everything :D


But seriously.. I used to be paranoid of cops based on what I knew happened to friends and family. Then one day I was at the park at 12am playing basketball with my friend. Suddenly 3 cop cars come flying through the grass at full speed towards the court.Three officers get out of their cars and ask if we need more light. We are like yeah, sure. They turn on their lights and come and play a game of 21 with us. It was fun but that damn gun hurt like hell when they were trying to post me up.


I also dig raced a columbus cop on Bethel road from a stop light. Then we pulled into what was the Big Bear parking lot at the time and talked about cars for a minute. He revved his engine and asked me if I wanted to race. I told him I didnt want to go to jail and he laughed. When the light turned green I wasnt going to race him.... but then his tires started squealing and his car almost went sideways. He was probably one of the coolest guys I have ever met!


Then a few years later Im in my Trans Am driving home back when I lived in Dublin. A Dublin officer pulls me over and I know its because my car is very loud. He then comes up to my window and tells me he thinks my car is bad ass and tells me to have good night.


There are more good cops than bad ones....trust me. I just hate hearing about people getting assulted because of stories my dad has told me.

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Yeah i always thought that police were justified in their actions and they wouldnt charge someone for something if they didnt really do it. My view changed on a few things just based on talking to my boss. His dad was a criminal defense lawyer and he told me all sorts of stories that his dad told him about cops and resisting cases.

I did not feel alone after that, knowing this happened more than i ever thought really changed a few views on people.


Just makes you question a lot of other things as well, that one might of thought to be sturdy, now comes off weak.

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I'm trying, I know they hire more former military/Current military more than anyone from what I was told. I know atleast 2 officers over there now, so hopefully they can put in a good word. Taking the written test on the 12th of December.


Silly man thats when the app is DUE, the test is on Jan 18th!

I know some as well. They do like military peeps because the chief is a military man and a fitness freak.


Its not an easy test at all, there were a LOT of people that failed it last year, including some columbus officers (that were looking to move on from big city).

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Silly man thats when the app is DUE, the test is on Jan 18th!

I know some as well. They do like military peeps because the chief is a military man and a fitness freak.


Its not an easy test at all, there were a LOT of people that failed it last year, including some columbus officers (that were looking to move on from big city).

I didn't read too much, I just started filling out the application. I'll be more than ready for the PT test whenever that is. The standards aren't too crazy on that, besides I've got one for the guard to do aswell the same month.

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