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Side work

Science Abuse

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A couple of threads have popped up recently regarding people bitching and moaning about side work.

Definition: Side work- Work perfomed in ones spare time at a reduced cost.


I'm sick and tired of hearing bitching and moaning from people about side work and how long it takes. It's fucking side work, how much spare time do you have during the day? Not only are they taking their valuable non-work time and Working on your car, but they're charging you much less than you would normally pay at a shop. If there is an agreed upon time line, then the one performing to work should stick to it, it's a matter of sticking to their word. Beyond that, shut the fuck up and wait for your shit.

I've used a few board members in recent years for side-work jobs, neither of which took less than 6 months. Both have been of superior quality and SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than a shop would have charged. I will continue to do this, knowing full well that it's going to take a while. It hasn't come up yet, but I'm also prepared to be turned away.


These people are using their resources to help you out and save you money, STFU.

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In regards to everything.


I was hating on college kids when I was a college kid.

Because they want everyone to feel sorry for them, and have no idea what the real world entails. If work for me was done for well over half the usual cost, there would be no complaints on my end. Especially if the person doing the work was a close friend.

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Because they want everyone to feel sorry for them, and have no idea what the real world entails.


"I look down on you because you never finished college. I'M getting a degree in computer science and I will be making $65,000 a year the day after I graduate!"


I've heard shit like that so much. I then laugh when these same people not only can't find a job that has anything to do with their degree, but they are lucky to leave school making $12/hour.

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"I look down on you because you never finished college. I'M getting a degree in computer science and I will be making $65,000 a year the day after I graduate!"


I've heard shit like that so much. I then laugh when these same people not only can't find a job that has anything to do with their degree, but they are lucky to leave school making $12/hour.



you dont have to have a degree to make money slick, it just makes it easier to do it faster

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A freidn of mine jumped out of Kent state into a $40k/yr job in Ft. Wayne ($40k there is like 60k in the civilized world). He did internships, extra programs, overseas stuff, etc. He busted his ass, scored well, and it paid off.

I.E. Top'o'the class people jump out and make good money, the other 80% don't.

I make about the same, but I'm 2 years older, and the cap in my feild is low. So, my 6 years work experience < 4 years of college, even if I make the same right now.....for now. :)

I've only been in my field for 3 years, but it took 5 years (started while in HS) grunt work to get into this.


Thread back on track: Support your local CR side-workers!

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