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Anyone want a deer?


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On the way home to night ran across a 9 point buck that had just got hit. Called the sheriff and they came out and shot the deer. I am not a hunter so I am not sure how long they keep. My friend is keeping the antlers. If you want it pm quick... BTW I am in Knox county.
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If it's been hit chances are most of the meat is no good because of bruising.


Unless someone just smacked his head like I did when I hit a buck. But yeah, if they hit it dead on it is probably fucked. Plus, if it's piss sacker broke might as well throw er in the trash. Plus, depending on how long it was there, people probably ran over it making it even worse.

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So it is still sitting along side the road?


If you have it at your house, my father in law may be interested. He lives between St. Louisville and Newark, so not that far from you. A lot of people he knows go hunting, but don't want the deer, so they give it to him. He hardly has to buy any meat all year long.

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Reminds me of a story:


A few years ago we found a rather large buck floating in my dad's pond; apparently it had drown? So, we hopped in the little fishing boat, drove out to it, and drug it up onto the shore. We ended up leaving for about an hour to go do some things, as well as call the game warden to find out what was the proper procedure to deal with it. When we came back, some redneck bastard had jumped the fence that runs along side the pond, and taken a pocket knife to cut the head off the deer.


Honestly. Who the fuck does that?

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So it is still sitting along side the road?


If you have it at your house, my father in law may be interested. He lives between St. Louisville and Newark, so not that far from you. A lot of people he knows go hunting, but don't want the deer, so they give it to him. He hardly has to buy any meat all year long.

I tis just down the street from me.... been outside all night. I am sure it is still good. I will pm you.

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