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$10 million dollar commercial.


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Guinness just launched "Tipping Point", the most expensive TV ad in its 80-year marketing history, with a domino rally that features cars, flaming hay bales and grandfather clocks. Shot up an Argentinian mountain, the ad shows a community coming together to create the mother of all domino-toppling spectacles. Genius! (Production cost: $10 million)




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Time? Equipment? Camera crew to capture a domino of cars and burning hay?


Shit adds up man. :)


I'm in the wrong line of work then.

The only thing I meant was that the commercial was neat but above and beyond the normal cost of filming a commercial, what made this a record breaking $10 mil commercial? Its not exactly Super Bowl worthy.

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Stuff adds up, but 10 million for that...come on now! It didn't even have to be shot in one sequence.


Maybe they were drunk already? Pretty cool commercial. Alot of money to shell out to all those people, the town, getting everything set up (probably more than once), getting the production crew, etc there for however long it took them; it does add up. I'm sure there's tons of stuff we don't even think about. Plus, if it is all real, unlike many commercials, you don't get to pay just a couple guys to make the whole thing on their computers.

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ever think that maybe they had to pay off the town for closing half of it down during the production? as well as pay ALL the people in it? id say the $10M was warrented.

Where is Berto? I think he could offer more info on the subject.

I know many climbers, some of which who have gone way out and spent a fair amount of time in Andean villages like this. If the average household annual income is under $1000, you could probably buy the townfolk for $10/head per day. There's also the possibility that they did it for free. People with harder and simpler lives tend to be nicer, and more likely to think this was to coolest thing ever.

Check out this other beer commercial ad. Its a big ad.


Fkin hilarious! New Zealand rocks, the Lord of the Rings put out casting calls "Be in a movie, show up for makeup" and a thousand people showed up to be in battle shots.

Made of Beer, ha!

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