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Stuck up late

El Karacho1647545492

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Stuck up late writing a shitty paper about how the media has been the only thing to curb presidential imperialism in the past 50 years, specifically citing LBJ and Nixon's dilemmas in Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, My Lai Massacre, Rolling Thunder, Kent State) and the Watergate scandal.



This paper is total shit, so how's your night going?

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I man 148$ just last night.


I'm curious if thats a real pay stub I know dickheads who will talk mad shit online how they have this and that and are just full of shit.



I dont make that much but me and the wife combined make tad over 100k.

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I man 148$ just last night.


I'm curious if thats a real pay stub I know dickheads who will talk mad shit online how they have this and that and are just full of shit.



I dont make that much but me and the wife combined make tad over 100k.


I believe he does...only because I know some of my friends that are in that field clear 125k+ a year. And they are only 22-25. Bastards. :)


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