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Fucking BITCHES!


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If all you wanted to be in is in the friend zone you would not of had done the things you did. Sadly we now live in a age where the dicks, assholes or the idiots that have no job seem to get all the hot girls or at least that is what I am runnin into right now. Girls dont want a goodie type guy until they get older so just remember, the more you act like she doesnt matter the more she will be attached.




i have been recently talking to my ex again who would rather wait for her current guy in jail with two prior kids from two different women ( one of which just had an abortion because they took a trip to the keys together even though my ex and the guy were together) and no money or future what so ever over me, who has made it very clear how i feel about her. And I drive an 02 cougar and makes 146k a year.


Nice poeple do finish last

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