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I feel old

V8 Beast

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Ive been feeling old lately too... its not a secret that i think almost all the youth of this nation is pretty much born with a dumbass gene, and get senioritis in the 7th grade, but whats really disturbing is when all the cool stuff that was around when we were little is completely unknown to them... things like:


Lite Bright

American Gladiators

Ferris Beullers Day off

Burpple - who remembers this drink? :)

Pepsi Clear - this one wasnt around very long, but its amazing that not many people even know of it.

Records - some people have never even seen these!

Laser disk - again, some have never seen thme or heard of them




Back to the Fucking Future! and dont even ask them if they know waht a dolorean is...


Cabbage Patch dolls

Rainbow bright

Care bears

A fuckin slinky!



Growing Pains



and the list goes on and on and on...


It really sucks that all the cool shit we had is all gone... and when people who are only 6-10yrs younger havent even heard of it... the time gap just seems that much wider.

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DOes anyone remember those little no poseable figures that came in a bag that you had to dip into water to get it to dissolve away?????? You never knew which one you would get but i was thinking about those the other day and i mentioned it to a nephew of mine on Turkey day and he looked at me like i was on fire when i said non poseable.


Too many damn options these days

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first of all big wheels were and will always be AWESOME. My brother actually won a BMX bike in a big wheel race when he was a kid! I think that any kid that doesn't get a big wheel is completely deprived.


On the music front, you guys are completely forgetting the 80s where there were nothing but pop one-hit-wonders and yes a bunch of them were completely WEIRD music with the advent of pop-synth. The big difference today is the availability of music to the masses. Since it's easier to put some crappy video on youtube and a song on iTunes than it ever was before to put out a song there's a TON of crap out that wouldn't have been out before.


When I think of having children and how the world is constantly changing it's completely scary....BUT, don't you think that's the exact thing that happened to our parents? Don't you remember being young and thinking that your parents just didn't get it, and they must be from a completely different world and time? Well, what happened is that they grew up, and it's happening to you too....it's a completely wicked curse that's really funny from an outside perspective.

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DOes anyone remember those little no poseable figures that came in a bag that you had to dip into water to get it to dissolve away?????? You never knew which one you would get but i was thinking about those the other day and i mentioned it to a nephew of mine on Turkey day and he looked at me like i was on fire when i said non poseable.


Too many damn options these days


i do...


i also remember when it was safe to swim in the Ohio river... i learned to water ski on it... god.... that was every bit of 20-22yrs ago.


AS for American gladiators... i saw something saying it was coming back... didnt hear anything about Hogan though... but i did see that Linda decided to divorce him, and Nick got his license suspended :lol:

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Guest hotrodmama024
Has anyone let there kids watch the simpson movie? I took my daughter to see it the other day, and its pg-13. Thought ok some cussing, its the simpsons! You know they show Barts dick? Or the bus driver smoking a bong? When was that ok for 13 years old to see?
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Atari 2600. COMBAT!


Muscle Men

Garbage Pail Kids

Transformers Series One TV and Toys that looked like real cars

Chemistry Sets with REAL chemicals!

Legos that weren't 80% specialized parts

Hot Wheels tracks that were actually tracks not dollhouses for boys

Tinker Toys!

Tonka Trunks made of METAL and full articulation.


I remember my Big Wheel. I used to loop a wire coathanger around the seat posts so I could tow my Radio Flyer wagon as a trailer. :)

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Everyone in this thread is right and wrong at the same time. Yes todays music blows more cock than dat woman u love 2 hate. However, how good was the music you liked when you were 13? Granted when I was 13 I liked some pretty classic stuff, 311, no doubt, stp, bush, some rap stuff including dre, biggie, and wu-tang. All the bible thumpers in here need to realize that we live in the most conservative free country in the world, have any of you ever been overseas? I guess the rest of the world believes in parenting more so than just trust that the media is going to do a good job of raising your children. And as much as I want to gag when I see two men kissing on tv any one of you can drive through columbus in the right place at the right time and see it in person.













ps: I dvr all the american gladiator's on espn classic

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Atari 2600. COMBAT!


Muscle Men

Garbage Pail Kids

Transformers Series One TV and Toys that looked like real cars

Chemistry Sets with REAL chemicals!

Legos that weren't 80% specialized parts

Hot Wheels tracks that were actually tracks not dollhouses for boys

Tinker Toys!

Tonka Trunks made of METAL and full articulation.


I remember my Big Wheel. I used to loop a wire coathanger around the seat posts so I could tow my Radio Flyer wagon as a trailer. :)


Killer list! I'll add "bicycles with banana seats". :cool:




80's was nothing but pop and one hit wonders? Umm, no. 80's was a solid mix of everything. Some of the best metal ever made is a product of the 80's. There would be no mainstream rap without the 80's. There was much more going on than the battle for the queen of the mall between Tiffany and Debbie Gibson.


I do think most of the music is weak today. It's nothing but the same crap warmed over and over. No originality at all, especially in country and rap. This whole techno/house/trance/whatever BS is what confuses me. I just don't get that at all.


The Ohio river was never safe to swim in, we just didn't know it back then. :D


The biggest problem with these kids today, is YOU, the parent(s). Quit trying to be the "coolest mom or dad EvAr" and teach your kids what it really takes to survive on this planet. Your 8 year old does not need a cell phone, ipod, and probably not a $600 console game system either. Nor do they need to have access to Youtube, MySpace and other adult oriented outlets. They do need grass cutting and snow shoveling jobs, and to clean their room, and taught the value of a dollar, etc...


Hand outs and lack of reprocussions for negative behavior is the worst thing a parent could possibly do to their child. Believe it or not, your kid is not an angel, probably even an :asshole: at times. Accept it and stop blaming everyone elses kid, or even worse ADD, ADHD, and all that scapegoat jazz...


Sorry got a little OT there... :woops:

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