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Doing drugs at work!


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Is it just me, or is just about the dumbest thing anyone could ever think of doing? Today i found out that someone was smoking weed in my bathroom at work... wanna know how? Read on.


So an employee interupts my cigerette break (fucker...) and asks me to come back to the bathroom to look at something... what do i find? Marajuana bits all over the SINK! The fucker was so stoned they forgot to wash the evidence down the drain! To make it worse, the baggy that it was in, WAS IN THE TRASH! ON THE TOP! WITH A LEAF STILL IN IT!


Who the fuck is this stupid... seriously? So now, i get to call a meeting for 48hrs from now for everyone who was working today to come in, and get them all together, and either get one of them to fess up, or give them all a drug test. So i have to waste my time, my bosses time, an officers time (if any officer on here wants to have a little fun and scare some people let me know , tues 27th @8pm :D ) all the innocent peoples time and fuel, my budget to get 11 tests done, then more time for me to take the tests to the facility and pick them up, all just to fire someone.


if any of the officers would like to show up, i was hoping for Dragknee since i know him anyway, ill hook you up with dinner for your time :) CPD or Sherrif, doesnt matter. id like to have one there for a couple reasons:


1. intimidation factor

2. to bullshit the crew into fessing up rather than having to give them all tests

3. to say i had a non associated witness of the process being carried out incase i do have to do it.

4. To make sure that the meeting will end without incident.

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few things...


11 employees total? can you narrow it down to males/females?


how do you know it wasn't a customer?


what happens when you get a few people to fail the test. i mean, its pizza hut. not like you have corporate executives working for you. its adults at the bottom of the barrell and high school kids. fire them all?

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So someone was smoking a lil weed making pizza? I do realize it's not professional, but then, you pay minimum wage, your benifits suck, and where do you go in a company like that? To store manager, to brag about having the highest sales in the surrounding state? You'd have to be high to want to do that and take it serious. hell, remember a few months back i pm'd you about pizza hut? yea, it took all of four seconds to say fuck that and go back to turning wrenches.


Here's some advice, take it or leave it. loosen up that tie, roll a joint for yourself, relax, and quit fucking acting like you run a god damn fortune 500 company, You dont. Its pizza hut. brought to you by the makers of kfc and taco hell.

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few things...


11 employees total? can you narrow it down to males/females?


how do you know it wasn't a customer?


what happens when you get a few people to fail the test. i mean, its pizza hut. not like you have corporate executives working for you. its adults at the bottom of the barrell and high school kids. fire them all?


11 working today, other than the morning manager that was gone at 3pm, and myself. 4 cooks, 7 drivers.


I know it wasnt a customer, because the only bathroom we have is in the back hallway behind the kitchen, and customers are not able to use it.


If more than one person fails, they all get canned. I was informed by the office that i contacted that based on the level of THC in ones system, if a test is done within 3 days, they can determine a probability of when it was induced into the system... so they can give me a probability of weather or not is was done today. the only way to cheat this test, is to get stoned hard core tomorrow, so the level will be so high, that the probability would say no, they are posative, but not for the date in question... i dont believe they are smart enough for this. they are all replaceable by the next freshman or sophmore looking for an extra buck, but id hate to lose any of them. Just an FYI, they arent bottom of the barrel... a lot of the drivers do this on the side, so its just something to do to get out of the house. Some of the drivers are also my managers, i dual rate them to save labor dollars and to give them expierence in learning the delivery area better... learn traffic patterens, and what goes well with what... an overall speed of service thing.


I tried to explain this to Cougar... guess how far that went :rolleyes: Pizza Hut is the largest restaurant company, not to be confused with fast food chains, in the world... its the McDonalds of the restaurant business. The company is actully quite large, and most people only know about 20% of its make up... at my level, an RGM, ive only worked my way into about the bottom 40% of the business... lots left for me to do assuming i choose to make a carrer of it.

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So someone was smoking a lil weed making pizza? I do realize it's not professional, but then, you pay minimum wage, your benifits suck, and where do you go in a company like that? To store manager, to brag about having the highest sales in the surrounding state? You'd have to be high to want to do that and take it serious. hell, remember a few months back i pm'd you about pizza hut? yea, it took all of four seconds to say fuck that and go back to turning wrenches.


Here's some advice, take it or leave it. loosen up that tie, roll a joint for yourself, relax, and quit fucking acting like you run a god damn fortune 500 company, You dont. Its pizza hut. brought to you by the makers of kfc and taco hell.

I don't really care that people smoke weed, but at a job? I can just imagine the lawsuits against employees and Pizza Hut already. I also assume many safety issues when someone is high and trying to operate an oven and/or use sharp objects.

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So someone was smoking a lil weed making pizza? I do realize it's not professional, but then, you pay minimum wage, your benifits suck, and where do you go in a company like that? To store manager, to brag about having the highest sales in the surrounding state? You'd have to be high to want to do that and take it serious. hell, remember a few months back i pm'd you about pizza hut? yea, it took all of four seconds to say fuck that and go back to turning wrenches.


Here's some advice, take it or leave it. loosen up that tie, roll a joint for yourself, relax, and quit fucking acting like you run a god damn fortune 500 company, You dont. Its pizza hut. brought to you by the makers of kfc and taco hell.



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So someone was smoking a lil weed making pizza? I do realize it's not professional, but then, you pay minimum wage, your benifits suck, and where do you go in a company like that? To store manager, to brag about having the highest sales in the surrounding state? You'd have to be high to want to do that and take it serious. hell, remember a few months back i pm'd you about pizza hut? yea, it took all of four seconds to say fuck that and go back to turning wrenches.


Here's some advice, take it or leave it. loosen up that tie, roll a joint for yourself, relax, and quit fucking acting like you run a god damn fortune 500 company, You dont. Its pizza hut. brought to you by the makers of kfc and taco hell.


i did $1,244,077 in net sales in the last 11 months... gross sales was a hiar over 2 million... i think i have a reason to be proud of what i do, and have pride in myself for being able to run something like this. I think i have reason to say yes!, i did this better than ANYONE else in Ohio, and YES!, i did this better than THOUSANDS of other people in the country and the world. I think i have reason to be a happy and feel some accomplishment. For me, the oddball who never successfully completed ANY level of the management traingin, to just do what i know and be one of the top dogs everyone else goes to for help, at only 25? Cmon, give me a little credit.


yea, i told you that the franchise sucked balls but corperate was cool. its a good company to get into if you want to learn how to run a business and run it well... makes everything else look like slow motion. Ive said it once and ill say it again... if you can run one of these stores well, you can run anything... its an animal that youll probably see nowhere else... except maybe the BMV or an airport.

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whatever, those guys are even compitition for me anymore... Papa johns across the street is doing less than 10k/wk to my 23k, and Donatoes just gave there managers a pay cut and let people go... i AM the pizza bussiness from Trabue to Georgesville ;)

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Meh, Donatoes > *... :cool:


I do have some respect for them though... they do some things well that we dont, on the company level anyway. they sell a lot more verity of things to customers, giving them more opertunity to have a higher guest check than Pizza hut... they also spend the money to set thigns up in the stores right, and decorate them a lot better... astectics and operation sences is more correct than ours i think. But price wise were better, and product wise, we continue to beat them out... so its realy a 50/50, and they make thier managers work a position... that shit is stupid.

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I don't smoke or support smoking weed at all...that is a different story. But at the pizza place I used to work at they all got high as shit. In the back freezer...everyone knew. I don't know...I am not saying don't take it seriously...but they are making fucking pizza. I wanted to be drunk most the time. :)
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I don't smoke or support smoking weed at all...that is a different story. But at the pizza place I used to work at they all got high as shit. In the back freezer...everyone knew. I don't know...I am not saying don't take it seriously...but they are making fucking pizza. I wanted to be drunk most the time. :)




Its basically about three things:


1. Breaking company policy

2. Breaking Food Safty standards as well as Department of Health Standards

3. Disrespecting me, my managers, my crew, and my business.


After all, im the one who gave them the job, spent thetime and money to train them, so they could do what ever it is they do with thier pay checks... i think i earn the right to be a dick hole and fire someone just because i feel disrespected... and HR agrees with me too :D


I fired a 47yr old disabled man becasue he had the balls to tell me he didnt really care about his job. Peace out crippie boy!

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i did $1,244,077 in net sales in the last 11 months... gross sales was a hiar over 2 million... i think i have a reason to be proud of what i do, and have pride in myself for being able to run something like this. I think i have reason to say yes!, i did this better than ANYONE else in Ohio, and YES!, i did this better than THOUSANDS of other people in the country and the world. I think i have reason to be a happy and feel some accomplishment. For me, the oddball who never successfully completed ANY level of the management traingin, to just do what i know and be one of the top dogs everyone else goes to for help, at only 25? Cmon, give me a little credit.


yea, i told you that the franchise sucked balls but corperate was cool. its a good company to get into if you want to learn how to run a business and run it well... makes everything else look like slow motion. Ive said it once and ill say it again... if you can run one of these stores well, you can run anything... its an animal that youll probably see nowhere else... except maybe the BMV or an airport.





Until those dollar amounts are going into your pocket, and you don't work for a chain you don't own then. stfu, who cares. You work at a pizza store, no, that's not somthing to be proud of.

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Nick is getting managerial experience that is going to put him in a higher tax bracket the rest of his life. Its not right to look down on him because of where he works. I wish I had people that worked for me that took their job this seriously.


Even though he is a pizza hut http://smiliesftw.com/x/nutswinger.gif ;)

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Its basically about three things:


1. Breaking company policy

2. Breaking Food Safty standards as well as Department of Health Standards

3. Disrespecting me, my managers, my crew, and my business.


After all, im the one who gave them the job, spent thetime and money to train them, so they could do what ever it is they do with thier pay checks... i think i earn the right to be a dick hole and fire someone just because i feel disrespected... and HR agrees with me too :D


I fired a 47yr old disabled man becasue he had the balls to tell me he didnt really care about his job. Peace out crippie boy!


True. If it makes you feel disrespected...understandable. I just mean the whole cop/meeting/etc thing...maybe just find out who it is through word of mouth and that be the end of it. I don't know...seems excessive.

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Pizza sales or not, you guys missed the big picture. He is ON THE JOB. Whether you are a pizza maker, or a wal-mart greeter, you do not smoke weed on the job. It all can go on your file and can kill your hopes on future jobs! It is a whole measure of the disrespect thing. The cop thing may be a little too much but if you pay attention he wants someone he knows to do that! As in running a big fortune 500 business or a small franchise, you run them the same way. Nick :thumbup:
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Pizza sales or not, you guys missed the big picture. He is ON THE JOB. Whether you are a pizza maker, or a wal-mart greeter, you do not smoke weed on the job.

If I even suspect someone is doing drugs on their own time, I fire them.

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If I even suspect someone is doing drugs on their own time, I fire them.


You should fire them all for drinking and smoking cigarettes, too. :rolleyes:


Nick, I agree what they did was freakin stupid and there should be ramifications.


Now, on a seperate note, as far as just being high on the job, if you can't tell who is, why bother? Think about it. I've worked in many, many places in many different states doing many different things. Half the world is stoned and you'd never know it. I'm no longer suprised by who I find smokes. Now, that statement wouldn't mean shit if I worked at McD's or similar, but I'm talking mulitple labs including the genetics lab I worked for; doctors there, etc. As far as I'm concerned, it's as normal as knowing someone who drinks. Well, the difference between those two is at least if I know you're high, you're less likely to crash, be depressed, or violent. lol

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