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Doing drugs at work!


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Oh yeah, Nick, ditch the cop idea and have an HR rep there as a witness. If something goes wrong afterwards they take 99% of the blame because they allowed it to occur (Trust me, I've had it happen to me).


Edit: I'm a black belt in C.Y.A. ;)


Thats why my boss is there... go play with a cell phone and stop trying to give me advice on HR. Besides, her and I always said that if we ever get canned, itll be an HR thing not a numbers thing :D

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Thats why my boss is there... go play with a cell phone and stop trying to give me advice on HR. Besides, her and I always said that if we ever get canned, itll be an HR thing not a numbers thing :D


:slap::p There are over 600 employees that work in just one of our buildings. If it has happened between HR, reps, and management I have already seen it. Intimidation is a bad tactic for any manager now a days. These damn employees are treated like babies. You scream at them, and they act like you are the bad guy... Well at least thats how it is in my coorporate world.


Edit: How do you like that car I gave you on Forza ;)

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Its a waiste of time arguing. Its simple, if you smoke at work you are a retard and deserve to be fired. Forget their pay, their minimum wage doesnt give them a right to be bud heads. If anything its makes them more retarded for spending the little bit of money they have on weed!


About them not making enough to care.... the paycheck they make is thier means of buying that crap in most cases. If they are so much of an addict that they cant wait until they get home, they will be s.o.l. after they get fired. Especially when they cant pass a piss test to get another job. They may not care now, but they will when they apply for a job at Papa Johns in 3 weeks.





true staement, dont try to intimidate them if you want to look like a valid boss just do it by the book, get a higher manager there to be the witness and do your job. good luck with finding alot of new employees though, i used to work at ph when i was in hs almost everyone but me the store man. and the gay guy no one like smoked weed. im sure your store is no different but good luck still

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Lets not forget B&B Pizza on Karl Road. That place is a mom and pop store and it fucking owns. They even sell beer and wine there. It is by far the best place I ever went to pizza wise.



I agree B&B Pizza is the shit, my g/f's uncle works there and hooks me up all the time

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Completely legal discrimination. :D


Smoking is a lifestyle choice, unlike age, sex, race etc.





I still feel it is wrong to not hire someone because of legal smoking they do. That is just my opinion.


And I quit smoking cigarettes a long time ago. Whenever I smell smoke it makes me nauseated. Because of this I park in the back parking lot at work. You are only allowed to smoke in the front of the building.

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Guest chrishousley

I think he is going at it the right way except for the cop being present. I am pretty sure I have scarred a persons career worse than anyone else on this Forum. Out of a little over 10yrs in the Marine Corps I have been on the paper kicking effort of over 20+ drug related bootings from the MC. I will tell ya it is a very hard thing to deal with with you know the person is a hard worker.


You say you are making sure all of your T's are crossed right. I hope you have letters signed by everyone of your employees stating they consent to random drug testing! A letter stating they will not use drugs will not work! If you fire someone without that letter stating they approve of random tests when they were hired you are screwed if you give them a piss test without their knowledge! If they turn around and sue Pizza Hut they will when the case hands down!


The cop is not going to be anymore help in the aspect of being a monitor for a drug test! What you need to do is contract a clinic to do the tests! You being a Supervisor/Manager are not aload to handle the urine taking to and from a place. In the courts eyes you could have contaminated a sample with the aspects of firing someone! A cop will not help you in that matter! This is the reason that factories send new employees to clinics to get tested!


Take the Military for instance! Every unit has a SACO that deals with alcohol abuse, Drug testing, ETC. The SACO representative is a non-biased person and has no impact on a person career except to give results. The same thing goes for the civilian side.


What I am getting to by all of this is those urine samples handled by you will not show as evidence in court if the person tries to sue! :)

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Guest Subjugator
go ahead, give them all piss tests, but be prepared to lose all your employees and their respect with it. it was pot, nobody cares. i worked at a 3.5 star, white tablecloth restaraunt that did 5 million annually, EVERYBODY smoked pot, EVERYBODY, the only difference was the more money you made, the better pot you smoked. Welcome to the food-service industry. now worry about something that is important, like the guys who didnt wash their hands after smoking pot in the bathroom.
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Guest hotrodmama024
go ahead, give them all piss tests, but be prepared to lose all your employees and their respect with it. it was pot, nobody cares. i worked at a 3.5 star, white tablecloth restaraunt that did 5 million annually, EVERYBODY smoked pot, EVERYBODY, the only difference was the more money you made, the better pot you smoked. Welcome to the food-service industry. now worry about something that is important, like the guys who didnt wash their hands after smoking pot in the bathroom.


That was a good first post!

You forget to introduce yourself in the classroom? :)

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go ahead, give them all piss tests, but be prepared to lose all your employees and their respect with it. it was pot, nobody cares. i worked at a 3.5 star, white tablecloth restaraunt that did 5 million annually, EVERYBODY smoked pot, EVERYBODY, the only difference was the more money you made, the better pot you smoked. Welcome to the food-service industry. now worry about something that is important, like the guys who didnt wash their hands after smoking pot in the bathroom.


I agree with the new guy.

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Wow, I hope to hell you got a policy about random drug tests or If I was one of the 11 I would be calling my lawyer buddy right now just for a violation of my rights. I'm innocent till proven guilty, If your policy don't support randoms then your just being a prick.


I honestly think your going way overboard. I would make a big meeting about it. I would express the ramifcation if busted but that would be it.


So some guy got stoned. Did the pizzas get done that day? Were there late pizzas? Was anyone hurt? Was there any loss in productivity if the answer is no to all of them then your just wasting your time and the company money since productivty was there.


Most of the bad ass chefs smoke. Period.

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So it's illegal do smoke/deal/whatever Pot. Yet, most people in this thread thinks it's ok to smoke it while at work? I bet most of the people who are think it's ok are already smoking pot. I mean. It's illegal outside of work. What makes you think it's OK to smoke it WHILE working?
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I think its a waste of time to after.



How much does it cost the company?

How much time was lost?


Its illegal to street race but I bet 80% + of the people on CR have street raced.

My point is its a entry level Job. Pot may be illegal but that don't mean its not a waste of money to go after.



Go read about the war of drugs, Hey its cool our economy is going to shit were wasting money why don't we drugtest all of american imprison all the people who fail. That will help americas Economy.

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