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I saw the saddest thing I have seen in a long time


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Well as most of you know I have had a court case to take care of due to the fact that I got charged with a b/e awhile back trying to get some stuff out of cavins car that was in the impound lot. Anyways I had to go to court today to settle my case. While sitting in court there was a case in front of me that I got to witness. There was a guy who was being charged with 1st degree murder, breaking and entering, gun charges, and theft. Apparently he broke into someones house with 3 other guys in attempt to rob the home owners at gun point. Well long story short was he shot and killed one of the residents who I do not know the age of but I was assuming was rather young, teenager or so. Well anyways the mother of that dead child was in the court and after he made his pleas the judge asked if there was anything the mother wanted to say. She sat there crying for 5 mins without saying a word and then said a few things on how she lost her baby and how she cannot believe that there is anyone in this world that would represent him to try to get his punishment to the lowest level possible. I cant remember everything she said but just seeing her crying knowing that she lost her child due to someone wanting something that is not theirs was unreal. I almost started crying myself seeing that. I havent seen something that sad since I lost a friend in a car accident in high school and seeing his parents crying there.

The guy was 19 with 8 kids which he said were all new borns. Of course he apologize but I saw no point for it since that wont change what he did.


Sad sad day today.

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I would not be able to handle that at all. I would be mad at the world and be mentally ill, if I didn't get to the guy before the judicial system. My friend lost his first child to S.I.D.S., It was hard for me to sit at the funeral, and at that point I didn't have any children. Now that I do have a child, I couldn't imagine the mental state I would be in if She died of S.I.D.S., let alone someone killing her.


On another note, Putty posting, "fuck thieves" is comedic gold.


P.S. - Sam I hope things went well otherwise for you.

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I've sat through my fair share of cases years back watching my wife in court during her earlier years. It's like watching the news in Cbus anymore....all negative and amazing that we decided to bring a child into this world. hankfully life isn't all about that stuff and it's the good that keeps us all going.


On a daily basis I drive by the very spot where a 16yr old girl died on Bent Tree Blvd due to a car accident and it's almost weekly that her family and friends are there at her marker under a tree. Needless to say, that is the best speed enforcement I need on that road. I was there that night and capture the accident on camera and to know that she died haunts me to this day.


I know the driver served time in Orient, just about two years I believe. My guess is the girls family wishes it was more.


Sorry for the tangent.....hope your case went well.

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The plus side out of this (if you want to call it that) is that at least they caught the sorry MFer who did it. I am sorry for her loss, make no mistake, but so many violent crimes go unsolved every day that its good to hear about one getting properly prosecuted.
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my dad was a juror on a murder case that involved a 16 year old kid being shot through a screen door with hollowpoint rounds in a lover's spat. he said it was one of the saddest things to have to see all the evidence.



they convicted the mofo, whose only defense was the question of a couple angles of entry or some shit.

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