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So my son left his email logged in on my computer...


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Reading it to make sure that he is not Dirk diggler is cool. Get a feel for what he is doing on da net! Also you can talk to him about things that he may or are doing to make things smoother! Slapped, belt is mildly speaking. I got that everyday for like 12 years. That just made me angry as hell from all that. I was kinda suicidal at my younger ages. It got soo bad my dad got jumped by his sons....true story.
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I gave the kid a laptop and I told her that I have key logging software on the computer and that I will read it if I feel I have a reason to... I have never felt that I need to, but I would have no issue reading an email that she's sending to a boy in school... I need to have a leg up on them.
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I half and half agree/disagree. At age 8 I had an Atari ST. At age 10 I had an AST P100 with a Dial Up modem, and I had the privilege to get on whenever I wanted. At 12, I had an NEC Cyrix powered 266 mhz computer, which was my first "gaming machine". It barely ran CS beta 1 at 30 FPS on the Voodoo 3 2000 that was in it. At 13, I built my first machine, an Athlon XP 1.12 ghz with 512 of ram and a GeForce2. This was also about the time DSL went mainstream, and to this day I have the same modem.


During all of this time, my parents gave me my privacy when it came to everything. The most they ever did was walk by every once in a while to see what I was doing. Now that I look back, it helped me build responsibility for myself. As long as your kid isn't abusing anything, I wouldn't worry about stuff like this.

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my parents would have (and did) read my emails when I was younger. They looked out for me, they slapped the shit out of me, one time they electrocuted me, and look at me now. Flawless.I'm on your side. Be the dad, not the pal.


LOL..not laughing at you man, thats just funny right there.


I agree with Drew. You are a father, not a friend. The parents who try to be thier kids best friends always end up getting the shaft. Your computer, not his. Where's the harm? You'll learn more about your kid, and potential help him in the end.

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Just ask him.. If you have reason to check then check it. Otherwise leave it alone. As a parent the best way to defer your kids from getting in trouble is to know exactly they are hanging out with. 1 kid is usually not trouble but you add anymore and things will break.
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