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Bush really is an idiot


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Are you implying that he would exagerate a countries threat level in order to bring us to some kind of war with them?

You sir, hate America and shall burn in hell!

(That is what I was told 5 years ago)


The only defence I care to lend toward Kerry: He wouldn't have been looking for a fight, so you likely wouldn't have heard much about Iran.

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Are you implying that he would exagerate a countries threat level in order to bring us to some kind of war with them?

You sir, hate America and shall burn in hell!

(That is what I was told 5 years ago)


The only defence I care to lend toward Kerry: He wouldn't have been looking for a fight, so you likely wouldn't have heard much about Iran.


Yeah, but we'd probably all be speaking Chinese or Arabic.

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really? we are going there AGAIN!?!?!?!?!


how come we are not still talking about korea or even veitnam for that matter? im not completly for this war and how things are being handeld but still. everyone would be better off arguing about abortion then to argue about bush again. dont worry guys your liberal messiah will be elected into office. we had 8 years of a democrat. 8 of a republican and we will more then likely have at least 8 more years of a democrate........................ un less he or she lies too or maybe gets caught in fliping sides on political issues such as the war. cough cough HILLARY cought.

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:eek: Many people died due to Clintons inactivity on the growing mid-east problems.

That's putting it lightly. Somolia fuck up stands in my mind. Leaving good men out there with their cocks in the wind. Bush is on his way out, so who cares, he's leaving. I love the man for giving me what I needed overseas, for taking care of a problem that would've kept infesting, and for having the balls to step up and show them not to fuck with us.

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That's putting it lightly. Somolia fuck up stands in my mind. Leaving good men out there with their cocks in the wind. Bush is on his way out, so who cares, he's leaving. I love the man for giving me what I needed overseas, for taking care of a problem that would've kept infesting, and for having the balls to step up and show them not to fuck with us.

I forgot about Somolia... :nono: That was very sad. On top of leaving the troops hanging in the wind he opened the doors for them to come to the US. Nothing but a Slap in the face! Just look at the Morse road area. Ever get a cab in Columbus?

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I'm going to be nice and not give my $.02 cents on the Somalians in Columbus.

Why start now?

Both of my children were born at St. Anns.....WOW :eek: (If you have been there in the maternity ward, you can read between the lines)

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Guest hotrodmama024
I'm going to be nice and not give my $.02 cents on the Somalians in Columbus.


Please Scott! I have to share a bathroom now with my new Somalians friends next door, and it sucks! I could use a good laugh! ;)

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:eek: Many people died due to Clintons inactivity on the growing mid-east problems.

Somebody wasn't paying attention in the 90s:

-All th intel used to bomb everything in afghanistan was aquired during the Clinto era.

-Every time Clinton motioned to act against Alquaida, Congress trippied him up with Ken Star and distracted the media. Remember the picket signs: "Wag the Dog!"

He tried, you people stopped him because you were more interested in his cock.


As for the "infesting problem"; His actions have stirred things up and created more terrorists than it has killed.


Ben: We wouldn't be speaking Arabic, cuz the bitches just want to kill us. ;) Chinese is being taught in public schools as we speak, because of 2-3 decades of American jobs being sent there (whilst the companies are rewarded by the government for doing it).


Somalia was a failure of policy that cannot be ignored, but I doubt that it compares to Iraq.

140,000 troops in Iraq

Average time spent there: 1 year, more?

Thats a hundred and fourty thousand years worth of work and family life that our coutry is missing. Our troops are misisng their lives, and in many cases losing the things that they hold dear back home. One of my best freinds has experienced only a month of his sons first two years. I'm not even going to touch the casualties, their effect is tragic and obvious. I'll point out that the draft-dodging policy writers have no idea what it is like being away that long. It's a prison sentence with slightly better pay.

His fuckup is a direspectful waste of our countries more valuable resource; hard working and loyal Americans.


Somalians are rolling emergency maneuver tests.

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We're accomplishing things in Iraq and Afghanistan, Somalia was a cluster fuck plain and simple. Yeah, the soldiers, marines, airmen and seamen/women are missing their "lives" and all, but they know what they signed up for. I did my 17 some odd months and was happy. It's what I did, what I volunteered for. I knew fully well what I was getting into, and so is everyone else. It's a job just like anything else. If your friend didn't like it, he could have gotten out. Iraq needed to be done, and so did Afghanistan. Thank God our generation is doing this, and not our children and their children.
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Somebody wasn't paying attention in the 90s:

-All th intel used to bomb everything in afghanistan was aquired during the Clinto era.

-Every time Clinton motioned to act against Alquaida, Congress trippied him up with Ken Star and distracted the media. Remember the picket signs: "Wag the Dog!"

He tried, you people stopped him because you were more interested in his cock.


Problem 1

Clinton knew and failed to act.

Problem 2

Clinton had the authority to act and did NOTHING beside throw a few stones to get attention off of Monica.

Problem 3

Clinton was/is a liar and committed a crime. That is why he was impeached.


As for the "infesting problem"; His actions have stirred things up and created more terrorists than it has killed.

Your right that is what Clinton accomplished... give them a bloody nose and make them bolder and more angry.



Somalia was a failure of policy that cannot be ignored, but I doubt that it compares to Iraq.


It taught the guys like Bin Laden that America and the administration would not stand and fight.

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Im not defending his actions at all. But since when did getting head in the oval office become illegal?


Or are you reffering to something else? Yes adultery is shameful but technically not illegal.

Lying under oath is perjury and is a Felony. The subject of the perjury is of no consequence.

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Im not defending his actions at all. But since when did getting head in the oval office become illegal?


Or are you reffering to something else? Yes adultery is shameful but technically not illegal.

lying under oath is illegal, and im pretty sure adultery is illegal as well, just not enforced.

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The difference between Clinton and Bush:

-Clinton commited a half assed crime over a personal matter and had no one to cover it up

-Bush commits real crimes with our money and our people, and has a huge apparatus to cover it up.

How many emails did they "whoops" delete earlier this month?


Your right that is what Clinton accomplished... give them a bloody nose and make them bolder and more angry.

Incorrect, I was referring to Bush's full-oh-holes actions. You're right, we sent over a big bold responce, and it's gotten allot of attention: There are more people joining Jihad now than there were in 2001, because all of the bullshit that the extremists had been spitting about the USA wanting muslims dead came true. Bush sent over his armies, unprovoked, and called it a crusade. Aint hard to stand in front of a crowd and spin that one to your favor, is it? Hell, Bush is doing Bin Ladens job better than he ever has.

As for being more bold? This wasn't their first attack on American soil, it just worked this time.

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