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Assassins Creed


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DJ, care to give a synopsis of what the game is about (e.g., storyline, basics of gameplay)? I've seen advertisements for it and thought it looked cool, so I'm curious to know what it's about.



there are essentially two stories throughout this game. they are both about the same thing and run parallel to each other, but in different time periods.


in the not so distant future (2012, actually), a young man named desmond, played by you, has been confined against his will be a company named abstergo and is forced to undergo research into his mind. the lead researcher explains to you that insticnt is nothing more than genetic memory, and that all of anyones forebearers memories are locked inside of an individuals dna. this research is being done on desmond through a device known as "the animus", and essentially allows desmond to play back through the memories of one of his ancestors named "altair" who was an assassin whos life played out during the crusades, 1000 years prior. through a series of investigations and assassinations, altair (desmond) is drawn through a complex story of faith and knowledge in order to find what abstergo has placed so much importance in, the piece of eden. crusaders, templars, saracens, turks, the brotherhood of assassins, and even king richard the lionheart, all players in a story that encompasses Masyaf, Acre, Damascas, Jerusalem and the land in between, or The Kingdom. journey through the past, to discover the future.


if i were to rate it, i think id have to give it 9.5 out of 10. absolutely beautiful graphics, a story that is enough to drive a conspiracy theorist wacko, a free running protagonist that makes spiderman look like a kid, and unique combat, that at least a dozen times has made me and my friends go, "OH SNAP!"


the downside is that, like the man said, it CAN be a bit repetitive, and unless you are into the story, one pickpocketing feels very much like any other. the assassinations make up for it though, running through a crowd of people after just cutting down a merchat king while being chased by literally dozens of guards just isnt getting old for me.


seriously, if you can, check it out. and if you are struggling, play at least until memory block 4. it starts getting very interesting about there.

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if it helps, cod 4 for the computer is absolutely the best shooter i have ever played. shockingly short though. can get you a copy if youd like one.


i dont play on the computer... i'd need a new video card, and i sit at a computer all day anyway, i'd hate that... but thanks :)

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Guest evobound

I crapped out on Creed too, unfortunately.


The storyline is engaging, but damn if I didn't go buy other games before I finished. I don't think I'm to block four yet - Maybe I'll give it another shot this weekend.

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It's a renting game, in my opinion. The story is truly awesome and it plays well, but unfortunately it is insanely repetitive. You end up doing the same 3 or 4 things the entire game and they somehow incorporate it into the plot line over and over. Great game, but if you can make it to the end, there's pretty much nothing left you'll want to do.


Call of Duty 4, however, is fucking sweet. Single Player is short but multiplayer is awesome. :thumbup:

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I was really pumped for AC when I saw the trailers after E3 and all that jazz, but I've since heard that its repetitive (just like this thread, huh?) and that the AI sucks. Care to shed some light on the latter?

Well, the AI is meh, at most. It's very cool to see so many people roaming each city but the real problem with AI is the combat. You can actually see it in the videos of the game as well. You can battle several guys at once, which is neat, but for some reason only one of them will attack you at a time, adding a slow pace, at that. It's definitely worth checking out but not buying, for me at least.


My favorite new releases, at the moment, are Call of Duty 4 and Mass Effect. Mass Effect is probably the best single player game I've played in the past year or so.

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the combat is rather vanilla, once you get past the impressiveness of the counter mechanic and the beauty of the graphics. this is why review threads are so great, i loved it, but it obviously is not for everyone. try it for yourself and see. anyone who was interested in cod4, send me a pm, please.
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Is an XBOX really worth it? I'm not a gamer but I just got a 1080 42" LCD and feel obligated to get one.


Ken, I would say so. I'm not a "gamer" by any stretch of the imagination; I play a game about every month or so, on average. I've had most of the major gaming systems (e.g., PlayStation2, the original XBOX, and the old school systems, like Nintendo64, Super Nintendo, and so forth). The XBOX 360 is awesome, IMO, when it comes to graphics, gameplay, and so forth. Notably, I've never played the PlayStation3, so I can't say how that compares to the XBOX360. Also, I guess it would be notable to mention that, a few months ago, my XBOX 360 just spontaneously quit working, and just yesterday I had to spend what seemed like four million hours on the phone with the XBOX people scheduling a repair (which they have agreed to do, free of charge, BTW). But, when it worked, it was great. :)

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there are essentially two stories throughout this game. they are both about the same thing and run parallel to each other, but in different time periods.


in the not so distant future (2012, actually), a young man named desmond, played by you, has been confined against his will be a company named abstergo and is forced to undergo research into his mind. the lead researcher explains to you that insticnt is nothing more than genetic memory, and that all of anyones forebearers memories are locked inside of an individuals dna. this research is being done on desmond through a device known as "the animus", and essentially allows desmond to play back through the memories of one of his ancestors named "altair" who was an assassin whos life played out during the crusades, 1000 years prior. through a series of investigations and assassinations, altair (desmond) is drawn through a complex story of faith and knowledge in order to find what abstergo has placed so much importance in, the piece of eden. crusaders, templars, saracens, turks, the brotherhood of assassins, and even king richard the lionheart, all players in a story that encompasses Masyaf, Acre, Damascas, Jerusalem and the land in between, or The Kingdom. journey through the past, to discover the future.


if i were to rate it, i think id have to give it 9.5 out of 10. absolutely beautiful graphics, a story that is enough to drive a conspiracy theorist wacko, a free running protagonist that makes spiderman look like a kid, and unique combat, that at least a dozen times has made me and my friends go, "OH SNAP!"


the downside is that, like the man said, it CAN be a bit repetitive, and unless you are into the story, one pickpocketing feels very much like any other. the assassinations make up for it though, running through a crowd of people after just cutting down a merchat king while being chased by literally dozens of guards just isnt getting old for me.


seriously, if you can, check it out. and if you are struggling, play at least until memory block 4. it starts getting very interesting about there.


DJ, thanks. :cool:

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