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More HD BS


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again, another reason I can't stand the HD crowd.

Tonya and I went out to dinner last night and we're waiting for a table, and there's the two fat ass fuckstick hill billys talking about how great their HD's are and how their real bikes, but what really got me is when they started sayin how everyone on a 'piece of shit jap crap rocket bike' is a faggot and how you'd never catch a real man on one of those plastic things. then went on about how none of us can ride, and how every sport bike ends up getting totaled, thats why you never see any that are more than a few years old. :beating:

I'm really glad Tonya was there or else I'd be writing this from a prison cell right now. How can't we ride? are they implying that we're so retarded that we can't manage to hold a 3ft wide bike inside a 20ft wide lane for 500 miles?

You don't see many sport bikes because they are like computers, they have a technological life span. they are outdated and upgraded in several years. but I guess when your 'perfect' motor cycle has a design lifespan of 1 update every 2 decades, instead of every 2 years, you wouldn't understand.

I fucking hate HD's. :fruit:

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thats when i walk over and tell them that i could out ride them on their own bike. and when he tries to defend himself tell them you will switch them bike.. chances are i could still go faster on a slow harley than they could on my sportbike. through curves of course any idiot can twist a wrist

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Man I completely agree. I'd like to know what their definition of "ride" is, especially since none of us can actually do so.

I have friends that ride HD's (unfortunately) and they just love to give me shit about my bikes. The stupid part about it though is that every one of them used to ride sportbikes and even some metric cruisers, (which they loved) but once they bought that HD it's like they somehow got brainwashed. Not to mention now their wardrobe consists of nothing but HD tees. :rolleyes:

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thats when i walk over and tell them that i could out ride them on their own bike. and when he tries to defend himself tell them you will switch them bike.. chances are i could still go faster on a slow harley than they could on my sportbike. through curves of course any idiot can twist a wrist

I don't know.. you ever try to corner on a HD? :eek: It's not pretty!! And you better hope you don't need to stop quickly, or accelerate quickly for that matter...

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im not a fan either of them but i can get along with them its the out spoken ones that are the problem. not all of them are that way. i know a few that will walk up and tell anyone on a sport bike how they like it and talk them up.

but my favorite story i got is from right after i got my icon sinner helmet, and an hd rolls up to a light beside me and i could see the typical fat harley lady on the back smack the dude riding and motioning to my helmet. of course he had to pipe it up and make me look over at him and he says "nice helmet" and laughs, so i reply "nice bandana" :D then he shoots back "nice bike...... my radio is louder" :mad: so i answer back "problem is your bike has a radio." it was pretty apparent he could see me laughing at him after my comment even through my helmet, thank god the light turned green before i had to listen to more. :lol:

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I don't know.. you ever try to corner on a HD? :eek: It's not pretty!! And you better hope you don't need to stop quickly, or accelerate quickly for that matter...

that is the reason i refer to them as HARDLY's......... hardly turn, hardly stop, hardly run. :)

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i hate those loudmouth MFers too. How frikken hard is it to sit on a "lazy boy" and twist a throttle down the superslab.

I know im not the best rider. but honestly everytime i ride i concentrate on improving my skills. i did quite alot of 8+ hour days on the bike and 7 hours is in the saddle pushing (punishing more like it) myself. im not parking lot pimping either. i spent DAYS in Hocking hils this year alone.

So yeah these fat flockers on their hand me down hardleys that think they are riders can kiss my ENTIRE sore ass. They spend more time picking out chaps, doo-rags and drinking than actually riding their 50hp POS.

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I would have just laughed it off since I know that I can outride the majority of those assholes with their rolling couches. Yes, I have a bike with superior handling, superior looks, superior technology, and minus one fat cunt on the back. So getting my testicles all bunched up over a conversation I hear between two sister-suckers would not really bother me too much.

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HD's are pretty much the Model T, minor mods over the years but not much else, heck most HD riders consider the V-rod as a concept bike (best HD ever made in my opinion). That being said, I judge nobody by their group, but consider people by their merits. Those clowns, were clowns. Not all HD riders are jerks, not all sportbike riders have skills (that's a good portion of what keeps my shop in business).

This summer when I was riding back home on the turbo busa, some Grand parents on an Electra Glide thought it would be fun to pass me crossing double yellow line, up hill, going into a corner (brave, and stupid) when the speed limit was 35 mph not even moved up to 55 @ that point on 521 outside of Kilbourne. Since he thought rolling drag racing would be fun, I waited just past the nest S-curve, rolled the throttle, let off in front of the bridge nearly 200mph and they were no longer specks in the mirror.

That being said, I've also out-cornered some riders on smaller sportbikes who didn't know Busas could handle that well. Its more about skill than anything, I guess I've learned a couple.

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Why? They are making money. And what proof do you have that their clothing line is more profitable than their cycle line? If that truly is the case then I will be surprised.

I saw a special on motorcycles and they made the same comment that HD made more money on merchandise than "motorcycles". No idea if it's true or not.

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This is a double edged topic. Most of the HD guys that I run into try to figure out what I ride, before they gawk. Mostly seems to be the older HD riders than the younger ones. I know some pretty cocky assed sport bike riders too.

There are always a few that ruin it for the rest.

It doesn't matter what you ride, just that you ride, and have fun.

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I've ridden and owned sport bikes and now currently have a Harley (VROD). The sport bikes served a particular purpose at a specific point in my life and world. When I was riding a sport, I would get shit from HD riders and other cruiser riders all the time. Some people are just assholes and shouldn't be allowed to breed.

You did the right thing by taking the high road and ignoring those fucktards. Hell, I get shit from HD owners because I have a VROD. "That ain't a real Harley, it's water cooled" My standard response: "thank God for small favors. If it was a real Harley it would leak all types of fluids everytime and everywhere I parked, would be in the shop more than on the road, and I wouldn't be able to ride more than 10 minutes without having to locktite every frick'n thing".

As far as HD making more money off of merch sales than bike sales, do you think any less of Playboy for making more money on their merch than on their subscriptions? Just good business. Let's face it, if HD had to depend on sales of their over priced, under engineered, under performing bikes, they would have been out of business years ago.

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I've ridden and owned sport bikes and now currently have a Harley (VROD). The sport bikes served a particular purpose at a specific point in my life and world. When I was riding a sport, I would get shit from HD riders and other cruiser riders all the time. Some people are just assholes and shouldn't be allowed to breed.

You did the right thing by taking the high road and ignoring those fucktards. Hell, I get shit from HD owners because I have a VROD. "That ain't a real Harley, it's water cooled" My standard response: "thank God for small favors. If it was a real Harley it would leak all types of fluids everytime and everywhere I parked, would be in the shop more than on the road, and I wouldn't be able to ride more than 10 minutes without having to locktite every frick'n thing".

As far as HD making more money off of merch sales than bike sales, do you think any less of Playboy for making more money on their merch than on their subscriptions? Just good business. Let's face it, if HD had to depend on sales of their over priced, under engineered, under performing bikes, they would have been out of business years ago.

you just got yourself some rep points my friend:)

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