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Call of duty 4,anyone!

Guest RoundIIRacing

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Guest RoundIIRacing
I saw a post earlier with gamer tags on it but I couldn't find it again!I've been playing call of duty 4 on xbox live(theonlysdot)for the past few days,anyone play often?If so send me a friend request and lets kill some people!I'm usually on from 9:00p.m. to whenever!
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I have beaten you at Halo and ill crush you at COD4


plus i know i told you it sounded like F***Bunnie and you got mad and said it mean a girl that likes hockey


yeah it's a puck (hockey) and bunnie (girl). only immature minds think fuck bunnie.... :p


actually last night i had some guy on COD4 calling me puke bunnie.... i think he was 9

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