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I have the Slingbox AV. I got it when Comp USA went out of business at Easton = got it cheaper than I could have anywhere else (including any used I found and on E-bay). I would have gotten the Pro...but they were out.


Slingbox: My complaint for the AV is that you can really hook two systems up (say, DVD player and a cable box), but can only use one channel of audio. It has composite audio (red/white), composite vide (yellow), and S-video. And either or both sound channels can be assigned to either video input. It has to IR transmitters, so it can easily run both units that way. They should have simply added two more composite sound inputs.


Slingplayer: Pretty easy to setup. I find some of their remote selections questionable. I mainly use it for my Sony 400 disc DVD changer, yet I have to use a remote setup that's not really for my changer, and is a bit clunky to use. Yet they have 30 different remote setups for single disc Sony units that is doubtful anyone would ever hook it up to.


Slingplayer is a CPU hog; any setting that's going to look decent at full screen will require at least 1.8GHz, and you better not multitask much more than a little web browsing. With a P4 2.8GHz I've been running it on, no issues.


Unless you don't mind overly compressed video, make sure you have a minimum of 512k up on your internet side. In your home network, that obviously doesn't matter, and I have mine setup to pull ~5000kbps/second.


Overall, it is a nifty gadget. If you travel a lot, it is a must have. I also have the SlingPlayer on my Palm Centro, which works pretty decently too. I never really use it, other than the WOW factor of watching your home TV on your cell phone.


If you have the money, buy the Pro. But understand that though the Pro has HD inputs, it downconverts everything...sad, because you could crank the bandwidth in your LAN and get HD to your PC. Still, it is a better hookup setup for multiple devices.

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