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man vs. wild= phony


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i don't like how they presented that show at the beginning, as in "full on real, 1st take"

but, i can appreciate what he is doing, and he was/is still highly trained, weather he is truly putting his life on the line now days or not


Les Stroud's show is cool too, but make no mistake, he shows that he has a crew to help him if needed now, so he doesn't get hammered by fans like Bear has, i'm pretty sure neither show talked about their help when they first started airing

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Les Stroud is the shit. Bear Grylls is a homo.




marubu, Stroud never denied what involvement his crew has. Nonetheless, he does all his own filming and unless under dire conditions, his crew does not involve themselves directly. Bear does the stupidest shit and try as I might, I cannot watch a program that would give terrible advice to the normal human being who may be lost/stranded. I try to keep in mind that his show is for shear shock and entertainment value, but there are better ones to watch for that.


Survivorman for the win.

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Are you serious? Les Stroud is a fucking boring, harmonica playing homo. People don't get the essence of Man vs. Wild, TO TEACH you how to survive. Not to watch a man ACTUALLY survive. The show is way more exciting and the mother fucker is British Special Forces, not a college graduate with a music major. :D
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no shit I would rather watch man vs wild for what its worth, I mean its a show. either way bear grylls was in the british special forces, and holds the world record for yougest british ascent up MT everest, which is pretty crazy IMO. his new show 'Escape to the Legion' looks like its going to be good.
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hahaha awesome, i hate Bear Grylls. he has his camera crew following him around, and does the dumbest shit.


Les Stroud at least uses more realistic situations....i mean come on, how many people are going to have to deal with lava bridges, or gut a camel in the desert for shelter?

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hahaha awesome, i hate Bear Grylls. he has his camera crew following him around, and does the dumbest shit.


Les Stroud at least uses more realistic situations....i mean come on, how many people are going to have to deal with lava bridges, or gut a camel in the desert for shelter?


How many people are going to be sitting in a cold fucking arctic area with a rifle, a bag of seal meat, a full fucking coat, a bunch of surprisingly useful equipment, and then sit around for 7 days while doing nothing in attempt to be rescued or find civilization. I can honestly say he gives maybe one useful tip a show, while Man vs. Wild, although a bit exaggerated, gives pretty damn good survival tips.

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How many people are going to be sitting in a cold fucking arctic area with a rifle, a bag of seal meat, a full fucking coat, a bunch of surprisingly useful equipment, and then sit around for 7 days while doing nothing in attempt to be rescued or find civilization.

*raises hand

I probably wouldn't bring a rifle, though.


If you get your survival tips from Man vs Wild, you are going to die. I cannot stress this enough, and this IS a subject that I have a background in. Les' first season blew, but he has really come around and his advice does reflect what you should do. This is mostly because he consults with local SAR before he does a show. He has better funding then he did when he was writing all of his own stuff, and it's payed off. His situations are als much more real. Case in point:

How many people are going to be sitting in a cold fucking arctic area with a rifle, a bag of seal meat, a full fucking coat, a bunch of surprisingly useful equipment, and then sit around for 7 days while doing nothing in attempt to be rescued or find civilization.

80% of the people that get in trouble in the arctic are hunting. They have a rifle, they have usefull shit, and if they're poaching, they just might have some seal meat. "Whoops I fell out of a hot air balloon" is not a realistic situation, it's just more entertaining.

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I used to love Man vs Wild.. it is lame that it's all fake, and definitely lost it's magic. It is tv, but it was on the Discovery Channel and not Fox so it had some validity.


I really tried to watch Suvivorman. COMPLETELY boring. I watch that show rooting for a bear to run out of the woods and eat him. I get the point that he has no cameraman and is supposed to be alone, but who wants to watch a guy set up a camera for half the show, or watch him walk taping himself.. no thanks.

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I used to love Man vs Wild.. it is lame that it's all fake, and definitely lost it's magic. It is tv, but it was on the Discovery Channel and not Fox so it had some validity.


I really tried to watch Suvivorman. COMPLETELY boring. I watch that show rooting for a bear to run out of the woods and eat him. I get the point that he has no cameraman and is supposed to be alone, but who wants to watch a guy set up a camera for half the show, or watch him walk taping himself.. no thanks.


Exactly. Bear is still a badass, I don't care what spin the Director/Film crew put on the show.

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