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How many points for 17mph over?


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I got a ticket for 52 in a 35, right over by the Airport. I was literally going THRU a traffic light, at which the speed changes from 35 to 50mph and I was clocking IN THE INTERSECTION at 52. To me, I was just speeding up to the next speed zone limit as well as going downhill, but the officer didn't see it that way.


Anyways, the ticket is $110, OR I can go to court. But do I have to pay more if I lose in court? I want to know how many points I'm going to get since I haven't gotten a ticket in 4 years, this pisses me off.


I basically see it as me going 52 in a 50, but we didn't see eye to eye on that.


what would you do?

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  SuperHawk said:
I got a ticket for 52 in a 35, right over by the Airport. I was literally going THRU a traffic light, at which the speed changes from 35 to 50mph and I was clocking IN THE INTERSECTION at 52. To me, I was just speeding up to the next speed zone limit as well as going downhill, but the officer didn't see it that way.


Anyways, the ticket is $110, OR I can go to court. But do I have to pay more if I lose in court? I want to know how many points I'm going to get since I haven't gotten a ticket in 4 years, this pisses me off.


I basically see it as me going 52 in a 50, but we didn't see eye to eye on that.


what would you do?


its 2pts and yes you can fight it, but if you lose you have to pay the court cost I think its $60.00 and if you get a lawyer you have his fee also

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Umm, you aren't allowed to speed up for a speed limit increase until after you have physically passed the sign.


Your options are:


Fight it to try for a no points violation. This will cost more money

Pay the ticket without going to court. This will give you points


Is it worth the extra expense to not have any points? A lawyer = money, you can fight it on your own, just be very humble and ask to have it reduced. Mention you have no problem with the fine, you just don't want the points against you. Franklin county is plenty happy with just raking in the cash without any other penalties against you.

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  MrAutoX said:
In the long run it will probably be cheaper to fight it and get the points dropped like said as your insurance company will use any excuse to try and bend you over more.


Insurance company won't care if you fight it and get the points dropped...they'll still surcharge you for it even if it's a no point violation...unless the violation gets thrown out completely from your driving record. (I experienced this first hand prior to even working for an insurance company)


If you're borderline with the state to getting a points suspension then fight it...if not it may not be worth your time as your insurance rates will go up regardless.



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+1 Insurance company doesn't care how many points you got on your speeding ticket, the fact is its a speeding ticket. Get it changed to a non-moving violation if you can. If you don't have any tickets on your record IE: they have fallen off they will usually do that for you.
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  AudiOn19s said:
Insurance company won't care if you fight it and get the points dropped...they'll still surcharge you for it even if it's a no point violation...unless the violation gets thrown out completely from your driving record. (I experienced this first hand prior to even working for an insurance company)


If you're borderline with the state to getting a points suspension then fight it...if not it may not be worth your time as your insurance rates will go up regardless.





Thats a negative- if you get it dropped to an equipment violation (which is what you should ask for).



I guess you guys are not as experienced at cheating the system as I. :asshole:

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  coltboostin said:
Thats a negative- if you get it dropped to an equipment violation (which is what you should ask for).



I guess you guys are not as experienced at cheating the system as I. :asshole:


Correct...My assumption was that it was dropped to a no point speed...insurance will still see it as a speed no matter what. If you can get an equipment violation out of it your insurance will not know any better.


I found this out the hard way when I plead a Reckless-Op down to a 2 point violation years back...while the state only added 2 points to my current tally the insurance company still counted it as a major and it fucked my rates for 5 years afterwords.


Now I write / update the code for an insurance company...and I know the business rules much better

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back in the day I was about to get my 12th point (72 in a 55) and would have lost my license. I went to court, plead not guilty, which gave me a court date, then at that court date I said I wanted an Lawyer, which gave me another court date and I tried to get a public attorney but did not qualify. The third court date was during the Memorial Tournament, everyone was called up to desk and was told everyone's violations were going to be dropped to an equipment violation (they wanted to go watch some golf). I changed my plea to guilty, paid a $60 fine and no points. I was able to draw the whole thing out almost 6mths and got to keep my license and my job. Talk about being lucky!
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  AudiOn19s said:
Correct...My assumption was that it was dropped to a no point speed...insurance will still see it as a speed no matter what. If you can get an equipment violation out of it your insurance will not know any better.


I found this out the hard way when I plead a Reckless-Op down to a 2 point violation years back...while the state only added 2 points to my current tally the insurance company still counted it as a major and it fucked my rates for 5 years afterwords.


Now I write / update the code for an insurance company...and I know the business rules much better



Ah I see. Bingo on all counts.


To all- If you get a Minor Speed (19 and under) don't bother with a Lawyer. GO to court, get it dropped, enjoy cheap insurance.


If you get a Major speed, or wreck less opp (as above) you NEED a lawyer to have any hopes of getting all points dropped. Its tuff (especially if your record shows 19 "unsafe vehicles" like mine) but if you lather up the judge, or offer to take a remedial course (which drop money off most policies anyways) you can make it happen. I should have had my license suspended twice if I just took the points every time. Fuck-I crashed a car at 200+mph, and had it dropped to unsafe vehicle!




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