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So what kind of kick if any do they make noise. They look pretty cool.


I had problems with paintball as well. Any type of tourney and just a bunch of punks in spandex that i would shoot in the face so they would shut up.


I understand more money spent = better gear but is airsoft something you can get into pretty cheap and still have a good time. I spent 600 dollars on paint ball equip years ago.


Could you get started in airsoft with decent equip for much cheaper then that? I mean i see the prices 300 dollars guns and on up but is a 150 dollars gun actually a good gun like say this....http://www.airsoftsmith.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=1112


Just wondering what kind of durability the cheaper guns have and so on.

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There are multiple games per month. A little slow in winter of course but as spring rolls around it picks up and spring thru fall the big national events happen. Hit up AirsoftOhio and check the upcoming event section to keep up to date on whats ahead.


A word: the games run the gamut from a college kid getting a gang of folks together on some private land for some shoot-em-up to full scale 500 player all-weekend events run on Army or Marine bases. Something for every taste and wallet.


How much it hurts depends on how hot the guns are at a particular event, which is up to the host but the national unofficial norm is 400fps for automatics and 0 engagement distance, and then going up from there for SAWs and semi-only with bolt action snipers having the highest allowed fps but also the longest Minimum Engagement Distance (or MED). If you get hit up close and by a hot gun it can be a "bleeder", but by the same token if you're at range you hear it more than feel it, and in any event if it hits gear like your mags you won't feel a thing. ANSI rated full seal goggles are a mandatory at every event and some folks recommend mouth guards, although I just keep my lips shut...


As for noise - they make varying amounts of noise depending on the power source, electric or gas, the flashider, barrel length, and other factors. Some players go to great lengths to quiet their guns, I myself go the opposite, since I like to suppress opponents, so for example this one is about the same decibels as a small plinker 22:


And there are the SAWs (top two on right):


You *know* when those are cutting loose.


For sound here is some helmet cam footage we shot at the Irene4 event in Ft Knox in 06, mic on the camera so its real near the gun motor but still you get the idea:


And some *unreleased footage* from last years Irene5:


(forgive the out-of-sync audio, thats raw footage. BTW the guy running in front of me early on has almost no cartilege left in his knees. He was soaring on Vicadin all weekend.... btw I catch a "bleeder" at the end of that clip)


As for the kick - the gas guns have more kick than the AEGs, but again that varies: some are made to kick, others not. Its your preference. Your general run of the mill airsoft electric gun (AEG) has little to no kick.



ICEMAN - sure you don't already play? There's an Iceman on team 6mm out of Chicago area. Nice gun. What receiver is that? About the only thing I'd ditch is the battery bag, seeing as you have the PEQ box anyway. anyhoo nice armalite, how's this:


Again, me trying to photoshop.



As for cost - generally less expensive than paintball, but unlike paintball guns which look like they fell off the retard wagon, AEGs are more fun to collect, at least IMO (old pic of 1/2 the gun closet, couple real steel sprinkled in there), so if you're not careful your sunk cost will soar if you get addicted.


But overall its much better now than it was just a couple years ago cost wise. Why? The Chinese. They have hit the market with bolt for bolt, nut for nut clones of the higher end guns (apparently trademarks and patents mean dick in the pacific rim, big surprise) - and you can now get into it with a decent shooting gun for under $150 what used to cost you $500. Do some careful shopping. Hit these sites for info:

Arnies Airsoft - THE best airsoft site in the world, pound for pound (its british).

http://www.airsoftohio.com - of course

http://www.airsoftcanada.com - good no nonsense site

http://www.airsoftretreat.com - alot of kids but some good info


And for shopping:








Beyond that your running costs are event fees and thats about it. The guns run on rechargable batteries and for a bag of 10000 rounds you'd pay $10-$20, about a years supply for a rifleman with a disciplined triggerfinger. Compare that to painball gas and ammo cost and you can do the math.


That is, until you get to collecting guns and gear... then lord help you. I spend zero on the car anymore and my total airsoft outlay has surpassed what I've spent on the V and Cobra mods combined. But I'm sick.


Hope this helps.

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