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I think you are looking for a windows file share. There are numerous ways to go about this one way is to go buy a Network harddrive you just mount the hd it shows up in windows like a HD and you can store files on it.


Or you can setup linux to use SAMBA as a file server


Or you can use and plan jain install of windows and share a folder on it.



If you need more help hit me on aim I will gladly help you in anyways I can.

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im trying to set up a home server so i can store stuff on it and so can my family just music pics and such nothign that imma have to run a website off of i have no idea what im doing can someone help?


Run on sentence anyone?


You want it shared internally like your house? Or you want something that you can access from the internet?

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Get a decent box....Toss an OS on it and use as a "server"....You dont need a server OS for what your plans are. Any PC running XP with a lot of storage and shares....Them use other PC and map drives to the box you consider a "server".
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I suggest the new HP Windows Home Server. Very easy to use and setup, kinda of expensive but works well.


Don't forget, that if you use it to store files, you better not plan on editing them! See this article for how well 'home server' handles your priceless photos.



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Don't forget, that if you use it to store files, you better not plan on editing them! See this article for how well 'home server' handles your priceless photos.




Ive read similar articles about the problem but I have yet been able to recreate the corruption. Im sure it will be patched, but since I nor does it look like you would be editing remotely so I would not be worried atm.


One thing I really love about home server is the uTorrent client built in. When I am at work I remote in to my server, and dl torrents as they get released throughout the day.

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I guess that's the main question: local network file sharing or sharing from remote locations.


He intends to share his music and such over the net. We talked about it for a few minutes the other day. FTP was mentioned, but I think he would prefer to be able to stream audio right from the box. I then found out it's like a 400mhz PII and I am not so sure that will work very well for streaming.

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He intends to share his music and such over the net. We talked about it for a few minutes the other day. FTP was mentioned, but I think he would prefer to be able to stream audio right from the box. I then found out it's like a 400mhz PII and I am not so sure that will work very well for streaming.


RAM specs pending it could run a shoutcast server with remote access to the playlist and music library. Low bit rate with only 1 user connected to it the box should be able to handle it. Even better if he was running linux.

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