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Rock Band

Chad is Dead

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I just got rock band for xmas and was wondering who else had it. I have only played guitar hero a couple times before getting this so its all pretty new to me. Right now I'm pretty good on medium for guitar and drums. I haven't tried singing yet though. I've been playing like all day and absolutley love it
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My friend has it and we've been playing through the tour mode for a while on expert. I've gotten the drums down on most songs, although I still can't sync up with the hi-hats on "Run to the Hills" for the life of me.. and I swear I'm playing it right. The pads don't register too well when there is too much going on though.
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I played it for the first time this past weekend. It was pretty fun. I am a big fan of Guitar Hero, so I have some experience on the guitar. Played drums during highschool, so it wasn't too bad to get back in the grove. And I wasn't too bad singing. Since all my friends were afraid to sing, I did that for about 3 hours till my voice gave out. But after a while I got after my friend who ownes it for not calibrating it for his LCD TV. Everyone that had experience playing GH were missing notes all time because the timing was off. He was use to it since that is how he learned how to play it. Hopefully he will have it fixed for tonight so we can rock out to the New Year.
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