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Magnum P.I. Fans?


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Any other Magnum fans here?


Tom Selleck talks about doing the movie on a radio show



Rumors of the movie have been going around for years but now it is finally i pre production. I have seen several articles saying that Matthew McConaughey or Ben Affleck will have the leading role. I hope they dot make it into another Starsky and Hutch. Tom Selleck needs to star along with all the original people.


The last time I was in Hawaii (September 07) I talked to Eve Anderson (she owns "Robins Nest"), she said that she has been approached by the studio and is willing to have them film at the original location.

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Great show ! I have seen every episode . I also wanted to live in Hawaii , drive a Ferrari, live on the Beach and have a bunch of hotties but life smacked me upside the head .

Same thing happened to me.

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If they could get the old cast together to make the movie that would be really good. Where you able to see Robins Nest when you were there?

I have been there many times, but have not got inside yet... Mrs. Anderson is a nice old lady. She was telling me stories about people trying to sneak in and others the just walk into her house "site seeing".


My life dream is to buy the estate and run Magnum themed tours of the Island. Take people around to the famous spot like the King Kamehameha Club (it is really the Honolulu Elks Club). Rabbit Island, TC's House, and so on. The final stop would be the estate, with a tour, and souvenirs. Mrs. Anderson is old and will be passing on soon enough. She has no heirs that I know of.... maybe it will go to auction.


Anyone I have about 15 mill I can borrow?

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That would be cool to buy it and run Magunum themed tours. I need to go to Hawaii soon so I can see everything.

Last year... I had my practice for sale. I looked into buying a para sail boat and moving to Hawaii and just run a para sail business.

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I had a relative that wanted to live in Hawaii , lucky for him he is a dermatologist and set up his practice there . He rented a 1 bedroom 1000 sq. ft. house across the street from the beach. The house did not have a/c and the rent was $3500. a month. Ouch !
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I had a relative that wanted to live in Hawaii , lucky for him he is a dermatologist and set up his practice there . He rented a 1 bedroom 1000 sq. ft. house across the street from the beach. The house did not have a/c and the rent was $3500. a month. Ouch !

My cousin lives in Kailua. He bought a 1700 sqft house that was in rough condition for 900K and then put another 30K into before moving in. :eek:

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Tom does carry a 1911, and has a Ferarri. But, the Hoff has kit and a mullet, so I'll call it even. I think Tom nailed more 80's tail than the Hoff though.

you forgot about no videos of Tom slobbering drunk. BTW... Tom has not been to rehab, the Hoff has.



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