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Painted-on eyebrows

Science Abuse

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what the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK!? I swear to god there is NOTHING that a woman can put on to make her look as hideous as 2 narrow bits of marker on a shiney shaved patch of skin (Barring morbid obesity and body hair). This used to be something that you made fun of old bitched for doing, now I'm seeing it on younger girls. THE FUCK!?


Who's fucking idea was this, and are they in hell yet?

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Ha yeah my ex-gf had painted on eye brows. You should call her and make her cry over it. She wore a wig too, you should make fun of that too. And while your at it ask her if cancer really hurts as much as everyone says it does or if the chemo was worth it. Yeah that will teach that dumb bitch to paint her eyebrows on.
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Ha yeah my ex-gf had painted on eye brows. You should call her and make her cry over it. She wore a wig too, you should make fun of that too. And while your at it ask her if cancer really hurts as much as everyone says it does or if the chemo was worth it. Yeah that will teach that dumb bitch to paint her eyebrows on.

Makin a cancer jab at me, asshole? What the fuck is your dickehead game here? I said "shaved", clear as fucking day, are you trying to start shit?


If you want to try and put yourself on a soap box to try and make some one look like they're insensitive to the effects to the most horrible excuse for a medical treatment on the planet, you'd best point your bitch finger somewhere else, because I swear to christ I will not put up with it. Espcially from someone with nothing but "ex gf" experience. I'll kick that soap box right the fuck out from under you and explain to you in graphic terms how bad it can get, and what real loss is. Do you think loosing hair and feeling tired and sick is bad?

You don't talk to me about cancer, and you sure as fuck don't try to talk down to me about it. You just said the wrong shit to the wrong person at the wrong mutherfucking time.

Do yourself a favor: Next time you think about trying to make some one feel bad using a lil second hand cancer story, keep your mouth shut. You just may find some one to whom the subject actually personal, some one very pissed off about it. In person, this wouldn't have been a conversation.

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Makin a cancer jab at me, asshole? What the fuck is your dickehead game here? I said "shaved", clear as fucking day, are you trying to start shit?


If you want to try and put yourself on a soap box to try and make some one look like they're insensitive to the effects to the most horrible excuse for a medical treatment on the planet, you'd best point your bitch finger somewhere else, because I swear to christ I will not put up with it. Espcially from someone with nothing but "ex gf" experience. I'll kick that soap box right the fuck out from under you and explain to you in graphic terms how bad it can get, and what real loss is. Do you think loosing hair and feeling tired and sick is bad?

You don't talk to me about cancer, and you sure as fuck don't try to talk down to me about it. You just said the wrong shit to the wrong person at the wrong mutherfucking time.

Do yourself a favor: Next time you think about trying to make some one feel bad using a lil second hand cancer story, keep your mouth shut. You just may find some one to whom the subject actually personal, some one very pissed off about it. In person, this wouldn't have been a conversation.


This is one of the greatest posts I have ever seen. Complete and utter ownage.

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hey eric, you need somewhere to stay in cbus for a night, let me know.

No no, soul brotha too bookoo, too bookoo! :(


Back on topic, everyone else seems to know what I mean by eyebrows.


Sorry, ruined:


The illusion will be lost as soon you press her face into the mattress.

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No no, soul brotha too bookoo, too bookoo! :(


Back on topic, everyone else seems to know what I mean by eyebrows.


Sorry, ruined:


The illusion will be lost as soon you press her face into the mattress.


Uh, actually, Eric, those two girls are pretty hot.


Seriously, that pic is not helping your argument. :)

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Hot? Not possible their eyebrows are painted on their fucking heads. I know exactly what he's meaning. That just wrong. BTW my wife has a great aunt who bugs the fuck out of us all the time, is a damned 60yr old dike, lives with another 60yr old women "just friends though they've been together for something like 40 years," paints her eyebrows on, and is the most annoying person I've ever met. Needs to die soon so I can enjoy life.



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Hot? Not possible their eyebrows are painted on their fucking heads. I know exactly what he's meaning. That just wrong. BTW my wife has a great aunt who bugs the fuck out of us all the time, is a damned 60yr old dike, lives with another 60yr old women "just friends though they've been together for something like 40 years," paints her eyebrows on, and is the most annoying person I've ever met. Needs to die soon so I can enjoy life.




I didn't say it was right for girls to have penciled-in eyebrows or that I think that sort of thing is hot, I just said those two girls are pretty hot, and they are. Continue to disagree with me on that point and continue to make yourself appear gay. *shrug*

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Makin a cancer jab at me, asshole? What the fuck is your dickehead game here? I said "shaved", clear as fucking day, are you trying to start shit?


If you want to try and put yourself on a soap box to try and make some one look like they're insensitive to the effects to the most horrible excuse for a medical treatment on the planet, you'd best point your bitch finger somewhere else, because I swear to christ I will not put up with it. Espcially from someone with nothing but "ex gf" experience. I'll kick that soap box right the fuck out from under you and explain to you in graphic terms how bad it can get, and what real loss is. Do you think loosing hair and feeling tired and sick is bad?

You don't talk to me about cancer, and you sure as fuck don't try to talk down to me about it. You just said the wrong shit to the wrong person at the wrong mutherfucking time.

Do yourself a favor: Next time you think about trying to make some one feel bad using a lil second hand cancer story, keep your mouth shut. You just may find some one to whom the subject actually personal, some one very pissed off about it. In person, this wouldn't have been a conversation.


Jesus Christ man relax. You obviously took a jab WAY TOO personal. Who said anything about a soap box. I was simply trying to get you to understand that there are plenty of logical reason's why a female would want to do this. I apologize that I disregarded the word "shaved" when reading your post. And in no way, shape or form was I insulting you or anyone you knew regarding cancer and or going through such an ordeal.


But do you think your somewhat of an 'expert' of the trials and tribulations of cancer because you know someone close who's gone through it or you've gone through it yourself? Now who's speaking from a soap box? You need to relax and not take everything you read on the internet so damn serious.


How are you going to make the assumption that the only life experience I've ever had with cancer is a simple 'ex gf'? Come on your smarter than that. Dont make stupid uneducated assumption's just to prove your point. Pointing out in simple terms that there are many reason one would do this is hardly speaking 'down' to you.


In closing, sorry for your loss. Its none of my business nor do I want it to be. But obviously your upset over something. It wasnt my intention to dig deep with a simple comment. But if anyone needs to step down from the soap box, its you. Next time dont take the internets so seriously.

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Jesus Christ man relax. You obviously took a jab WAY TOO personal. Who said anything about a soap box. I was simply trying to get you to understand that there are plenty of logical reason's why a female would want to do this. I apologize that I disregarded the word "shaved" when reading your post. And in no way, shape or form was I insulting you or anyone you knew regarding cancer and or going through such an ordeal.


But do you think your somewhat of an 'expert' of the trials and tribulations of cancer because you know someone close who's gone through it or you've gone through it yourself? Now who's speaking from a soap box? You need to relax and not take everything you read on the internet so damn serious.


How are you going to make the assumption that the only life experience I've ever had with cancer is a simple 'ex gf'? Come on your smarter than that. Dont make stupid uneducated assumption's just to prove your point. Pointing out in simple terms that there are many reason one would do this is hardly speaking 'down' to you.


In closing, sorry for your loss. Its none of my business nor do I want it to be. But obviously your upset over something. It wasnt my intention to dig deep with a simple comment. But if anyone needs to step down from the soap box, its you. Next time dont take the internets so seriously.


Round 1 is a draw (imho, even though my opinion really doesnt matter I decided to interject it here for the simple reason that this is a public forum and I am the king of the run on sentence, holla!)


BTW the face pressed into the pillow line was funny as hell!

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You don't talk to me about cancer.


Everyone knows some one with/who has had cancer. Not everyone has loved, been raised by, took care of, cleaned up, carried, and watched die some one with cancer. So, hating to repeat myself, for the last time:


You don't talk to me about cancer.


In fact, don't talk to anyone. You brought up something lightly, and in an accusatory manner, something that is serious to allot of people. I can take and make cancer joke all day, but you tried to make me feel guilty for being insensitive about it, and you stretched a long way to do it.

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Listen, what this thread needs is more chicks. Here's one; I think her eyebrows looked penciled-in. Not cool? True, not cool. Yet, would I kick her out for eating crackers in bed? Not unless Crackers was the name of the family dog.



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Listen, what this thread needs is more chicks. Here's one; I think her eyebrows looked penciled-in. Not cool? True, not cool. Yet, would I kick her out for eating crackers in bed? Not unless Crackers was the name of the family dog.









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Listen, what this thread needs is more chicks. Here's one; I think her eyebrows looked penciled-in. Not cool? True, not cool. Yet, would I kick her out for eating crackers in bed? Not unless Crackers was the name of the family dog.







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