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Is Iowa stupid???


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Unlike the Palestinians..... ;)


People lived there...then were told "you aren't in charge anymore", and new citizens began to be imported



That says nothing about the Holy Land.


The Jews were, are and will be entitled to the Holy Land. When everything is said and done and the Armageddon is over (which will be fought there, BTW), 144,000 chosen people will claim the Holy Land and the Earth. Can you guess who?


12,000 people x 12 tribes of Israel = your answer


Revelation 7:3-8

You get your crap outa my house yet?


I'm surprised how many otherwise sane people think it's OK to kick people off of their land because an old book says it's theirs. Even the Romans let you keep living at home, as long as you played nice.


How bout an Admin split this thread, send half to the kitchen?

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I'm a conservative, but I'm tired of being sold down the fucking river. None of candidates(sans Paul) on the "right" stand for anything conservative, and stand for too much Republican. And these Republicans repulse me the same way that Hillary repulses so many others.


I feel so disenfranchised by what the repulbicans have molded conservatism to be.....or at least what they think it is. I'm so pissed, that I almost don't believe a word any of them say. I've been thinking of sticking it to the Republicans and voting on the Democrat side come November.


What I need is Ron Paul "lite".......if I could get Ron Paul "lite", I'd feel better......but really.


I honestly can't believe I feel this way.

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Bens not a racist, he just likes to start shit ;)

No, I'm pretty racist actually. I hate whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, indians (both native and from india), jews, christians, catholics, atheists, mormons, etc.

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Why? Because Ben's racist?


Oh snap.


But yeah, I about shit my pants when I heard Huckabee. I'll can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll vote for Billary before I would vote for him.


That's what I'm saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No, I'm pretty racist actually. I hate whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, indians (both native and from india), jews, christians, catholics, atheists, mormons, etc.


I know what you mean, people suck! If your bored sometime next week we can schedule a few fights to the death. I dont know about you, but watching people kill each other always makes me feel better :)

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The land was/is the Jews land. It was given to them by God. the way i look at it the Palestinians are occupying land that is not theirs. The Jews were told many times by God to take the land and they did not do what God. Now they are fulfilling the command. Better late than never.
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I feel so disenfranchised by what the repulbicans have molded conservatism to be.....or at least what they think it is. I'm so pissed, that I almost don't believe a word any of them say. I've been thinking of sticking it to the Republicans and voting on the Democrat side come November.


NEITHER side shares MY views.


I like a little of both, and dislike a little of both as well.


NO ONE running agrees with ME 100%, or hell.....70%. You gotta take the good w/ the bad I guess.


But the good thing is, in THIS counrty, you can think our Gov't are a bunch of fucking idiots, and get away w/ it ;)


I want Bill back. All he did was get head in the Oval!





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The land was/is the Jews land. It was given to them by God. the way i look at it the Palestinians are occupying land that is not theirs. The Jews were told many times by God to take the land and they did not do what God. Now they are fulfilling the command. Better late than never.

So, anyone is allowed to do what they say god told them to do? I'm sure that Moses' choice of land was all Devine influence and had nothing to do with the fact that it lies between the mediterranian and a bigass freshwater lake.

It was picked because it was nice.

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The Palestinians were nomadic just like the jews, but (somewhat) unlike the jews they were nomadic by choice, from the start. Alot of rewriting of ancient history going on on the internet apparently.


BTW - I'm all for chucking our support of Israel. Aside from the totally hot women they have over there, I don't really care to be supporting that country. Lets just finish setting up our mini-USA in Iraq, suck out the last of the oil while we finish inventing our next power source, and then say fuck-em. If they're ordained by god to hold their land let em do it by their big-nosed beady-eyed greedy fucking military genius selves. They don't need our help. They proved they can take care of themselves and still post a bitchin hot barscene.


The Palestinians? You only get to dance in front of me while thousands of americans are getting slaughtered once. Fuck em.


BTW - fuck Mogadishu while we're at it.

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I'm a conservative, but I'm tired of being sold down the fucking river. None of candidates(sans Paul) on the "right" stand for anything conservative, and stand for too much Republican. And these Republicans repulse me the same way that Hillary repulses so many others.


I feel so disenfranchised by what the repulbicans have molded conservatism to be.....or at least what they think it is. I'm so pissed, that I almost don't believe a word any of them say. I've been thinking of sticking it to the Republicans and voting on the Democrat side come November.


What I need is Ron Paul "lite".......if I could get Ron Paul "lite", I'd feel better......but really.


I honestly can't believe I feel this way.


You might be amazed at how many republicans have started to hate the republican party. Many of these people, such as myself, are supporting RP in a last ditch effort to save the party. Neocons are not conservatives, and they are the ones responsible for what has happened in the last 10 - 20 years, or at least since Reagan's term ended. The US really doesn't have a conservative party anymore. I would almost say the Libertarian party, but some of the stuff they stand for would actually be considered far left wing, it's kind of weird how all that stuff comes together.


Either way, I don't know yet what to think of Huckabee. I'm going to assume that he's just another douchebag, and I'll probably end up voting third party out of spite.


However, Iowa doesn't dictate who will be running, so time will tell I suppose.

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The land was/is the Jews land. It was given to them by God. the way i look at it the Palestinians are occupying land that is not theirs. The Jews were told many times by God to take the land and they did not do what God. Now they are fulfilling the command. Better late than never.


And this is why I'm sure you masturbate to the idea of Huckabee getting elected every night.

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The land was/is the Jews land. It was given to them by God. the way i look at it the Palestinians are occupying land that is not theirs. The Jews were told many times by God to take the land and they did not do what God. Now they are fulfilling the command. Better late than never.



I'd just like you to know that there's an entire generation of people laughing at you, all around the world.



PS: I'll go ahead and post your possible responses for you: "And I'll be laughing from The big special happy super fun place in teh sky while youre burning for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever in a giant pit of fire that has all your worst fears in it!!1"


Or, you could play the "holier than thou, I pity you" card, and say something like "I feel bad for you because you refuse to accept TEH WORD OF GOD! Im here if you ever need someone other than politicians to fill your head with complete bullshit!"

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The land was/is the Jews land. It was given to them by God. the way i look at it the Palestinians are occupying land that is not theirs. The Jews were told many times by God to take the land and they did not do what God. Now they are fulfilling the command. Better late than never.


it was given to them by a fictional book? perfect.

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Now before someone pulls out the anti Semite sword, I am not. As a Christian I support an Israeli state and the Jewish people. Now lets be realistic, do you really think that the only candidate that is wanting to let Israel fend for itself and cut the billions of dollars of funding per year has a chance at winning this election. The media is nearly completely controlled by Jewish families and businesses. Ron Paul is the only one that has not accepted Jewish support in his campaign. That is why he is largely ignored by the big media






Ya, they sure don't like Ron Paul. :rolleyes:




It makes sense, a country thats $9 trillion in debt should keep giving money to another country.



The Holy Land was given to the Jews from God. Go read the Bible :p


So if god says its ok to take someone elses land by killing them its ok, but if some crazy guy kills another person because of the voice in his head, its not.


Chalk one up for common sense. :thumbup:

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And this is why I'm sure you masturbate to the idea of Huckabee getting elected every night.


Have you once seen me post an endorsement for Huckabee... Nope.

Look at my sig you fool. :lol:





I'd just like you to know that there's an entire generation of people laughing at you, all around the world.



PS: I'll go ahead and post your possible responses for you: "And I'll be laughing from The big special happy super fun place in teh sky while youre burning for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever in a giant pit of fire that has all your worst fears in it!!1"


Or, you could play the "holier than thou, I pity you" card, and say something like "I feel bad for you because you refuse to accept TEH WORD OF GOD! Im here if you ever need someone other than politicians to fill your head with complete bullshit!"


If people like you laugh at me go right ahead. The last people I want to impress are your generation. Go smoke some more pot and contribute little as possible to society, we will be better off.



it was given to them by a fictional book? perfect.


:funny: Columbus Metro library has the bible in the Non-fiction section... look it up! :nutkick:



Sorry about you luck play again in the next thread. :D

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