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Is Iowa stupid???


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Unlike you, I dont just make shit up to support my arguments, so if you're going to continue to be a thick-headed curmudgeon that thinks it's his calling to dictate how others live, you're going to continue to get called out for it. Ignoring a problem doesnt make it go away.


I havent ever tripped in my life, and dont plan to. Thanks for the scrip though, Doc!


BTW, The restaurant that I work for uses all organically raised meat, while the McDonalds you take your poor kids to pumps them full of chemicals and cow anus... Who is laughing now?


Liberalism is based on feeling, not fact. You are a blatant flaming, bleeding heart , Rainbow flag carrying, Jessie Jackson Lovin, Green peace sympathizer, Moveon.org member, Liberal.


2 eggs over easy, toast , and sausage... to go please!

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Liberalism is based on feeling, not fact. You are a blatant flaming, bleeding heart , Rainbow flag carrying, Jessie Jackson Lovin, Green peace sympathizer, Moveon.org member, Liberal.


2 eggs over easy, toast , and sausage... to go please!




I refuse to label myself with political buzzwords, as I dont need a group of people to create my opinions for me. I dont even know what moveon.org is, and I think Jesse Jackson should be in prison.



Look chief, I'm the friggin prince of interwebz arguments, and have been since before you even heard of CR. I dont need to prove myself by making fun of you in a hilarious way, I'll just keep making you look like an angry, evangelical nutjob and you can keep covering your ears and saying "NYAH NYAH NYAH I CANT HEAR YOU, JESUS IS TALKING 2 ME!1!"



PS: I'm not entirely sure what green peace does, but I'm pretty sure that you just tried to make me look like a bad person for advocating peace, and that makes you a shoe-in for the "everyone will be happy when I'm dead" club.

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By the way, I just realized that you said "liberalism is based on feeling, not on fact...."









Oh my Darwin, that made my day.

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Look chief, I'm the friggin prince of interwebz arguments, and have been since before you even heard of CR. I dont need to prove myself by making fun of you in a hilarious way, I'll just keep making you look like an angry, evangelical nutjob and you can keep covering your ears and saying "NYAH NYAH NYAH I CANT HEAR YOU, JESUS IS TALKING 2 ME!1!"

...and yet you're the one coming off like a moron. :lol: :finger:

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I refuse to label myself with political buzzwords, as I dont need a group of people to create my opinions for me. I dont even know what moveon.org is, and I think Jesse Jackson should be in prison.



Look chief, I'm the friggin prince of interwebz arguments, and have been since before you even heard of CR. I dont need to prove myself by making fun of you in a hilarious way, I'll just keep making you look like an angry, evangelical nutjob and you can keep covering your ears and saying "NYAH NYAH NYAH I CANT HEAR YOU, JESUS IS TALKING 2 ME!1!"



PS: I'm not entirely sure what green peace does, but I'm pretty sure that you just tried to make me look like a bad person for advocating peace, and that makes you a shoe-in for the "everyone will be happy when I'm dead" club.


I think the problem you have is that you are a flaming liberal and you to ignorant to understand that.


Your self proclaimed King of the interweb arguments is really impressive. I am serious, I am impressed. Now go fix my meal 1/4 pounder meal!!!!


BTW... Jesus does not talk to people anymore. No need to.

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By the way, I just realized that you said "liberalism is based on feeling, not on fact...."









Oh my Darwin, that made my day.





You think Darwin is fact! It is a theory :lol: :nutkick: .

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