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Opinion needed! Techno music


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I have been in the electronica scene since early '98. I have seen and heard the entire genre shift and change dramatically over the years. I have been apart of an online music station which rivaled DI.fm and even had my own international radio show when I used to spin myself. I have personally met some of the top DJ's and producers including Armin van buuren, Kenneth Thomas, mike skye and matt darey just to name a few. Not to mention all the artists I guested on my show like Gabriel and dave Dresden and Paul van dyk. I've heard it all, and honestly I don't think there is more talent in any other music genre than there is in electronica collectively.
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What are you talking about, it is real music played on real instrument. If you knew anything about production 80% of the sounds you hear are samples of real procussions or instruments. You my good sir, are one of the people I would consider ignorant of music. Go ahead and listen to Avenged Sevenfold or some other real garbage that should be banished off the face of this earth.


:chill: some peoples oppinions should not be known.

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Ok so my roommate and I are arguing about this. He seems to think that Techno music is the shit, on the other hand I can't stand it! I hate it! I would rather masterbate with a cheese grater than enjoy listening to that crap, I like real music played on real instruments, so does anyone else have an opinion on this?

Agreed. Techno blows, it's not music. Like rap, it's not music, nobody plays anything, it's singing and background beats.

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