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XP and Vista ???


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Vista is more like Windows ME. It just plain sucks, and will be replaced shortly.

The front side of vista is pretty, and user friendly. When you start delving into the guts of the software, it is just plain horrible. I have never seen such an ass backwards way to put things together. Just what until something breaks, or doesn't work. Then tell me how much you enjoy it. :)

Any sort of third party software runs like crap, or just doesn't run at all. Especially Novell.


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:eek: People still use Novell!!!


Time Warner, OCLC, AIG, BMW, New York City Transit, Casio, Fujitsu, Walmart, Wyndham, Office Depot, Audi, Ohio EPA, City of Dublin (Ohio), Peugeot Citroen, Siemens, etc... just to name some you've all heard of.

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I'm not going to debate anything further; everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I do find it fascinating that people keep telling me that third party software doesn't work on Vista.

I'm using third party software. I'm using Vista. And it's working...right now! *shocked* You guys must use my computer more than me or something :p

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I'm not going to debate anything further; everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I do find it fascinating that people keep telling me that third party software doesn't work on Vista.

I'm using third party software. I'm using Vista. And it's working...right now! *shocked* You guys must use my computer more than me or something :p

Google search for XP Error = 796,000


Google search for Vista Error = 1,760,000


How long have each been out? And Vista already has more than double the results for errors? That's my point. So you say your's works fine. That's awesome. But you are not the norm.

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