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tilley and sam in deep intellectual conversation

Guest jerome

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Nice find. :)


As an FYI for everyone else, that picture was taken to accompany an article I wrote for the November 2007 edition of Columbus Parent. Here's the article:


Research indicates that one in five children in the United States has a behavioral health disorder. Yet, less than 25-percent of children with a behavioral health disorder receive the assessment and treatment they require.


Behavioral health disorders in children are varied, though the more common disorders typically involve: inattentiveness and lack of concentration; disruptive behavior; developmental delay; language impairment; intellectual and/or academic deficiencies; anxiousness; mood problems; eating disorders; and substance use. The cause of behavioral health disorders tends to be a combination of biological factors (e.g., genetics) and environmental factors (e.g., social contexts, peer influences).


The impact of these disorders in children can be substantial, ranging from disruptions in family relations to academic failure or school behavior problems. In more severe cases, self-destructive behaviors, suicide, or even violence toward others pose additional risks. Early detection is essential, especially for possible developmental, language, or social delays that may indicate the presence of autism or other related problems of early childhood. Likewise, possible learning and communication disorders require careful assessment and treatment planning to avoid further academic complications.


Fortunately, behavioral health disorders in children are treatable, though evidence-based interventions require careful assessment of the child’s behavior, mental status, social and cognitive functioning. Comprehensive assessment often integrates information from multiple sources, such as school and home, utilizing observational techniques, interviews with parents and teachers, and standardized psychological testing.


About the author: Dr. John Tilley is a clinical psychologist and managing partner at Behavioral Science Specialists, LLC (http://www.BSSonline.org), a company that specializes in the assessment and treatment of childhood disorders. Dr. Tilley can be reached at 614/xxx-xxxx or by email at .

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