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Police: Man Dug Holes In Bike Trail For Revenge


Wilson, 52, Faces Felony Vandalism Charge




POSTED: 11:15 pm PST January 4, 2008





FULLERTON, Calif. -- Fullerton police said Friday that they arrested a man who acknowledged digging holes on a park bike trail as payback for nearly being run down by a cyclist.


Sergeant Linda King said 52-year-old Warren John Wilson faces a single felony count of vandalism.


King said nearly 50 holes measuring about 1 foot by 2 feet have been found since June along a trail at Laguna Lake Park, and in some cases attempts had been made to hide them from cyclists. She said some riders went over their handlebars after hitting them, but none reported major injuries. She said detectives watching the trails questioned King, who said he had nearly been run over by a mountain bike rider and began digging the holes in retaliation.




Dont hate on the spandex and lycria. ON that note im out for a 30mi spin in this 50deg weather!!!!!

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I've read some really, really, fucked up stories of 'trail sabotage'. Those little holes are nothing. Like putting pungi sticks in said holes and hiding the hole. String/wire across the trail at neck height. It pisses me off just thinking about it. None from around here that I've heard of.


You've got almost nothing to worry about if you are a road rider. :o Just saying the only reason people are going to hate you is for the perception of you being an elite rich person with too much time on their hands.


Oh yeah, most of the stories I've read about have been west coast/cali.

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Don't feel too safe as a road cyclist. Some cities use drainage grates with long parallel grates rather than the waffle-type. Normally they're set pointing across the street. But one time I was riding and some DPW dumbass put it back in running the same direction as traffic. Those gaps are the PERFECT width for a road bike tire. I don't know how I got across it. Luck was with me that day.
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knock on wood ive never had any problems. The only trail i have ridden alot was the olentangy trail when i lived on campus. The biggest problem i ran into there was having to lock the breaks up on a kid/parrent who wasnt paying attention. and that wasnt very often.


Every now and then we get some guys in the ED who fuck themselfs up decently. broken back for one guy(he was actually scouting a race route for pot holes and dangers....and found one.) Our head radiologist came in one sunday morning after taking a spill. broken arm, Road rash, and brused up a bit.

Ive started to sway away from wearing my helmet regularly in the cold months with my fleece head band thing and all...but im getting better about wearing it consistantly now.


jesus man, trail sabotage like that sounds staight out of viet nam. Pits with AIDS infected tigers in heat.


Yea that does sound kind funny in your head. Some 52year old man..in a bathrobe with crazy white dishelved hair..i picture the pot smoking old man from Road Trip with a shovel crouching behing a street sign trying to look incogneto.irrationally yelling at passer-byers with his shovel in one hand and his penis in his other.

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Police: Man Dug Holes In Bike Trail For Revenge


Wilson, 52, Faces Felony Vandalism Charge




POSTED: 11:15 pm PST January 4, 2008





FULLERTON, Calif. -- Fullerton police said Friday that they arrested a man who acknowledged digging holes on a park bike trail as payback for nearly being run down by a cyclist.


Sergeant Linda King said 52-year-old Warren John Wilson faces a single felony count of vandalism.


King said nearly 50 holes measuring about 1 foot by 2 feet have been found since June along a trail at Laguna Lake Park, and in some cases attempts had been made to hide them from cyclists. She said some riders went over their handlebars after hitting them, but none reported major injuries. She said detectives watching the trails questioned King, who said he had nearly been run over by a mountain bike rider and began digging the holes in retaliation.




Dont hate on the spandex and lycria. ON that note im out for a 30mi spin in this 50deg weather!!!!!



This is why you don't walk on a bike trail. Only time you will see people walking the trails at alumi is during trail maintence or the occasional guy with fishing gear which have always given right of way.

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This is why you don't walk on a bike trail. Only time you will see people walking the trails at alumi is during trail maintence or the occasional guy with fishing gear which have always given right of way.


I can only assume alum is a multi use trail. Even if it's not I treat it as such. I've come across quite a few runners, even a team from some school, and it's pretty rare not to see a few fishers. I even came across some kids playing paintball (they seemed to stop whenever someone came by). If it's a multi use trail, then 'everyone' is fair game to do what they please on it within the rules. Unfortunately mountain bikers don't have the lobby or organized support that some other groups have and don't get a fair shake sometimes. At the very least, we are considered the 'most dangerous' users of the trail and it's always our responsibility to yield. Either way I have no problem sharing the outdoors and trails with others as I'd hope they wouldn't have an issue sharing it with me, as long as neither of us does anything to jeopardized the trails or it's users.

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