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American Gladiators tonight at 9 pm


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I'm running about a half hour behind here.. So far, it's pretty cool.


Seems the red spandex is charmed while the blue is cursed..


Damn Crush is hot. Love her hair. :)


As for The Eliminator, it's pretty cool, but the "Barrell Roll" is straight out of Ninja Warrior, even the two 1-foot drops. I can't believe Koya couldn't make it up the incline. Both girls nearly died there.


LOL at the firefighter swimming. Shouldn't he be able to climb well also?

Too bad the skateboarder was so disappointing.


None of these contestants would pass Stage 1 on Ninja Warrior.


I'm really glad I'm watching this via my DVR, so many commercials. :p


Wel, first half done. It's much like I remember, they didn't mess with the theme much. But I still prefer Ninja Warrior, though it is difficult to compare the two beyond the Obstacle Course angle.

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just did a google search and it turns out 'siren' graduated from the same high school i did--she looks nothing at all like she did in high school. was a complete tom-boy in high school, and not good looking at all--some guy i worked with dated her in high school for some reason, i still can't figure out why.
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Crush is hard core. :)





I can't believe they are using those backpack cameras. What is this, 1980? Even the old AG used the self contained lipstick cameras that the NFL tried out for a while. I don't see why they need those awkward backpacks.


I'm waiting for one of these gladiators to just punch Jeff out.

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this wouldn't happen to be the val waugaman who graduated from brecksville would it?? i graduated one year ahead of her in '95, but hung out with a lot of people in her class.

Yes, Mr. D, that would be the same Val Waugaman.



just did a google search and it turns out 'siren' graduated from the same high school i did--she looks nothing at all like she did in high school. was a complete tom-boy in high school, and not good looking at all--some guy i worked with dated her in high school for some reason, i still can't figure out why.

Yeah, well, that's why going back through old yearbooks can be so much fun :)

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mannnn i missed it:(

It is DVR'd, probably by just about everybody here. Give me a day or two, and I'll have the commercials edited out.


Edit: My tivo says there are repeats of tonights show, split into hour blocks, tomorrow and Tuesday. Game on!

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I thought it was garbage compared to the old show. The competitors talk WAY too much shit... it gets annoying. Hogan said "brother" about 96 times too many.


I thought the old AG was better as well.


LoL, yeah, the woman and I were laughing at how many times he was saying "brother".

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