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The attack on liberalism....


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Already in place and occasionally enforced in parts of Mi. Look up "the cussing canoeist" on the rifle river from a few years back. He got off in appeals court, but the law is still there.


I've thought about it, andI kinda like this law. Here's why:

No cop is going to give you a fuckin ticket for saying fuckin. They have the option, but it's not worth the trouble to enforce the law just for the sake of enforcing it.

What it DOES allow the cops to do is punish assholes for being assholes. Suppose there's some dickhead that's starting shit left and right. Everyone knows the type, Stock LX type behavior. A cop can do anything do him really....but with this law, the cop and give the tool a fine for behing a tool.


That's all it is, it's an excuse to write tickets.

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