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Well I finally got past it, I just took the right side all the way down, tucked into that room right there at the end and then picked off as many as I could from in there. Tossed back every gernade thrown in. Takes a good 10 mins of just sitting there waiting for the other guys to clear out the room.
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Well I finally got past it, I just took the right side all the way down, tucked into that room right there at the end and then picked off as many as I could from in there. Tossed back every gernade thrown in. Takes a good 10 mins of just sitting there waiting for the other guys to clear out the room.


Just wait until you get to the part with the downed helo, the one where you use the mini gun, and have to make the trek back down the hill :eek:.

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Well I just got alot further now. I lost one controller in the process. For some reason it self destructed itself on the floor somehow...

Brian the shotty does nothing in that room cause all the bad guys stay far enough away to where the shotty doesnt do anything.


your controller was un-happy with the abuse???


glad you got past it, i havent finished playing Vet. due to online play. The way the servers have been lately i may go back to the actual game

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your controller was un-happy with the abuse???


glad you got past it, i havent finished playing Vet. due to online play. The way the servers have been lately i may go back to the actual game

yeah i'm tired of the "servers" making it nearly impossible to get a game in with people in your party...

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i was playing on a 40" HDTV and a 360, but i sold both. I'll play it for PC when i get around to it and update exactly how hard it is (since i've played CS for a good portion of my life, the pc is second nature to me.)


And the online bit: Online on the 360 was awesome with a party and just going into HQ and such to rack up points, my friend who continued playing is somewhere around his 6th time through prestige mode.

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